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mob ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

mob anlamı
1) çete
2) kalabalık
3) ayaktakımı
4) izdiham
5) halk tabakası
1) topluca saldırmak
2) toplanmak

"mob" için örnek kullanımlar

This in itself was more than enough to stir a mob vendetta against him.
Bu kendi başına yeterli kendisine karşı bir çete vendetta karıştırmaya daha fazla oldu.
Kaynak: philasun.com
All agreed that censorship of content based on mob sentiment is not always good.
Tüm mafya görüşünüz dayalı içerik sansür her zaman iyi olmadığını kabul etti.
Kaynak: indiantelevision.com
A zombie walk is almost like a flash mob, except with zombies.
Bir zombi yürüyüş zombiler haricinde, neredeyse bir flaş mafya gibidir.
Kaynak: businessinsider.com
So no, I don't like it when a mob shuts me down, either through stuns, knockdowns, or fears.
Yani hayır bir mafya beni kapatıldığında, ben, ya da üzerinden sersemletir, hakemin veya korkular bunu sevmiyorum.
Kaynak: massively.joystiq.com
okhlokratía; ochlocratia) or mob rule is government by mob or a mass of people, or the intimidation of legitimate authorities.
Kaynak: Ochlocracy
Mobbing in animals is an antipredator behavior which occurs when individuals of a certain species mob a predator by cooperatively
Kaynak: Mobbing (animal behavior)
An angry mob is a group of people who form a group ("mob") and protest, either violently or non-violently, against a common theme, object,
Kaynak: Angry mob
An organised gang or criminal set can also be referred to as a mob. In the United States , the Organized Crime Control Act (1970) defines
Kaynak: Organized crime
A mob, mobile or monster is a computer-controlled non-player character (NPC) in a computer game such as an MMORPG wi-mob or MUD .
Kaynak: Mob (video gaming)
Mob rule may refer to: Ochlocracy , a government by mob or a mass of people. Mafia or otherwise criminal control of people and groups
Kaynak: Mob rule
Gangsters are also called mobsters, a term derived from mob and the suffix -ster Gangs provide a level of organization and resources
Kaynak: Gangster
crowd is a large and definable group of people , while "the crowd" is referred to as the so-called lower orders of people in general (the mob ).
Kaynak: Crowd

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