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monarch ne demek?

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monarch anlamı
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"monarch" için örnek kullanımlar

Monarch butterflies group together at a butterfly reserve in El Rosario, Mexico.
El Rosario, Meksika bir kelebek rezerv birlikte kelebekler grubu Monarch.
Kaynak: leesburgtoday.com
Milkweed is the only type of plant the monarch will digest.
Milkweed hükümdar sindirir bitkinin sadece türüdür.
Kaynak: chron.com
Monarch has taken delivery of a new Airbus A320 aircraft to be based at Leeds Bradford.
Monarch Leeds Bradford dayanması için yeni Airbus A320 uçağının teslim almıştır.
Kaynak: travelmole.com
The film was on the migration of the monarch butterfly.
Filmi hükümdar kelebek göç oldu.
Kaynak: times-standard.com
A monarch is the person at the head of a monarchy . birth or who is elected monarch and who typically rules for life or until abdication .
Kaynak: Monarch
Though the ultimate formal executive authority over the government of the United Kingdom is still by and through the monarch's royal
Kaynak: Monarchy of the United Kingdom
The monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) is a milkweed butterfly (subfamily Danainae), in the family Nymphalidae . It is perhaps the
Kaynak: Monarch butterfly
The Monarchy of Australia is a form of government in which a hereditary monarch is the sovereign of Australia . The monarchy is a
Kaynak: Monarchy of Australia
A monarchy is a form of government in which sovereignty is actually or nominally embodied in a single individual (the monarch
Kaynak: Monarchy
Consequently a fairly large portion of the Dutch constitution is devoted to the monarch; roughly a third of the constitution describes the
Kaynak: Monarchy of the Netherlands
The monarch of Scotland was the head of state of the Kingdom of Scotland . According to tradition, the first King of Scots was Kenneth
Kaynak: List of Scottish monarchs
For Canada, the current monarch is officially titled Queen of Canada (Reine du Canada), and she, her consort , and other members of the
Kaynak: Monarchy of Canada
This is a list of Swedish monarch s, that is, the Kings and ruling Queens of Sweden, including regent s and viceroy s of the Kalmar Union
Kaynak: List of Swedish monarchs

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