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mottled ne demek?

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"mottled" için örnek kullanımlar

Keep it in a spot with mottled sun, and you should have flowers again in a year.
Benekli güneş olan bir noktada tutun ve bir yıl içinde tekrar çiçek olmalıdır.
Kaynak: latimes.com
More formal black dresses and knit separates had a single, mottled stripe of gold.
Daha resmi siyah elbiseler ve örme altın bir tek benekli şerit vardı ayırır.
Kaynak: runway.blogs.nytimes.com
It is likely that somewhere in the lineage is P schilleriana whose leaves are mottled.
Bu yerde soy olan yaprakları benekli olan P schilleriana olması muhtemeldir.
Kaynak: journalnow.com
Ripe plantains, or maduros, are a mottled black and yellow.
Ripe plantains veya Maduros, benekli siyah ve sarı.
Kaynak: davidsonnews.net
In geology , mottled refers to a patchy/blotch texture of alteration or interbedding, commonly found in limestone and commonly caused by
Kaynak: Mottle
On exposure, as the iron in the soil oxidizes colors are transformed to a mottled pattern of reddish, yellow or orange patches.
Kaynak: Gleysols
The mottled sculpin, Cottus bairdii, is a freshwater sculpin (family Cottidae ) found widely although unevenly throughout North America .
Kaynak: Mottled sculpin
The Mottled Flowerpecker or White-mottled Flowerpecker (Dicaeum tristrami) is a species of bird in the Dicaeidae family. It is endemic
Kaynak: Mottled Flowerpecker
The Mottled eel (Anguilla nebulosa, also known as the African mottled eel, the Indian longfin eel, the Indian mottled eel, the Long finned
Kaynak: Mottled eel
Mottled moray may refer to three species of eels: The fine-speckled moray , Echidna delicatula. The Australian mottled moray , Gymnothorax
Kaynak: Mottled moray
The mottled skate (Raja pulchra) is a species of skate , family Rajidae . An inhabitant of shallow coastal waters, it is found in the
Kaynak: Mottled skate
The mottled triplefin, Forsterygion malcolmi, is a triplefin of the genus Forsterygion , found around New Zealand at depths down to 30 m
Kaynak: Mottled triplefin
The mottled grouper (Mycteroperca rubra) is a species of fish in the Serranidae family. It is found in Albania , Algeria , Angola ,
Kaynak: Mottled grouper

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