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mouldy ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

mouldy anlamı
1) küflü
2) küflenmiş

"mouldy" için örnek kullanımlar

But in actual fact, it's like promising a feast and delivering a few mouldy Saltines.
Ama gerçekte, bir şölen vaat ve bir kaç küflü Tuzlu kraker teslim gibi.
Kaynak: techcrunch.com
Or there could be condensation around heating ducts, and you'll find a mouldy patch on the ceiling.
Yoksa ısıtma kanalları çevresinde yoğuşma olabilir ve tavan küflü bir yama bulabilirsiniz.
Kaynak: timescolonist.com
I pulled out of backpacks, and how many mouldy tents I scrubbed or zippers I fixed on sleeping bags!
Ben sırt çıkardı, ve kaç küflü çadır Ben temizlendi veya fermuar ben uyku tulumu üzerinde sabit!
Kaynak: smh.com.au
If food is obviously mouldy, spoilt, discoloured or infested with insects, then it should be thrown away.
Gıda Açıkçası küflü ise, şımarık, renksiz veya böcekler ile enfekte, sonra atılmalıdır.
Kaynak: taste.com.au
Ophni is a Hebrew Old Testament name meaning mouldy. A city of Benjamin ( | Joshua | 18:24) so important as to be second only to
Kaynak: Ophni
Facts: The pignuts became mouldy. Parsons saw this, but thought it would do them no harm. 254 pigs died from E. coli . Parsons sued Uttley
Kaynak: Parsons (Livestock) Ltd v Uttley Ingham & Co Ltd
affect coagulation, but which is (classically) transformed in mouldy feeds or silages by a number of species of fungi, into active dicoumarol.
Kaynak: Dicoumarol
It can be aged for up to a year, during which it develops a unique aroma and a mouldy outer surface. Chickna (“slippery” or “squishy”)
Kaynak: Khoa
The name Morkinskinna means "mouldy parchment" and is originally the name of the manuscript book in which the saga has been preserved.
Kaynak: Morkinskinna
crystals, which melt at 4.5 °C: the liquid range is extremely narrow, with the boiling point at 4.77 °C. The dense vapor has a mouldy, acrid odour.
Kaynak: Iodine heptafluoride
Although it looks like a proper word that can be approximately translated as "mouldy Lizzy", it is actually a bowdlerize d version of an
Kaynak: Leucaspius delineatus
"Vinney" is a local Dorset term related to the obsolete word "vinew", which means to become mouldy. Another explanation has it that "vinny
Kaynak: Dorset Blue Vinney
Before being left to mature, this cheese is carefully wrapped in nettle leaves to form an edible, though mouldy, rind. The texture varies
Kaynak: Yarg

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