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mucus ne demek?

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"mucus" için örnek kullanımlar

"Josh, you choked on your mucus," a mother lovingly recalls to her son.
"Josh, mukus yuttum," Bir annenin sevgiyle oğluna hatırlatır.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
"The mucus membranes can get swollen and people cannot breathe," Obeime said.
"Mukus zarının şişmiş alabilirsiniz ve insanlar nefes alamaz," Obeime dedi.
Kaynak: theindychannel.com
Drink plenty of fluids, which will help thin out mucus and deplete your sinuses.
Ince dışarı mukus yardım ve sinüsler tüketmek olacak bol sıvı, içiniz.
Kaynak: zeenews.india.com
In vertebrate s, mucus (adjectival form : "mucous") is a slippery secretion produced by, and covering, mucous membrane s. Mucous fluid is
Kaynak: Mucus
The sticky, thick fluid secreted by the mucous membranes and glands is termed mucus . the body and not every mucous membrane secretes mucus.
Kaynak: Mucous membrane
Mucophagy is feeding on mucus of fish es or invertebrate s. It may also refer to consumption of mucus or dried mucus in primate s.
Kaynak: Mucophagy
Cervical mucus method may refer to a specific method of fertility awareness or natural family planning : Billings ovulation method
Kaynak: Cervical mucus method
the Pope Billings strove to raise awareness of the significance of cervical mucus to fertility to all people, regardless of their religion.
Kaynak: Billings ovulation method
Eating mucus is the act of extracting nasal mucus with one's finger (rhinotillexis) and the succeeding action of ingesting the mucus from
Kaynak: Eating mucus
Dried nasal mucus, pieces of which are colloquially known as boogies or boogers or bogeys is found in the nose and is a result of drying
Kaynak: Dried nasal mucus
A cervical mucus plug (operculum) is a plug that fills and seals the cervical canal during pregnancy. by a small amount of cervical mucus
Kaynak: Cervical mucus plug
Alkaline mucus is a thick fluid produced by animals which confers tissue protection in an acid ic environment, such as in the stomach .
Kaynak: Alkaline mucus
Cervical mucus: File:Gray34. png | Mucus plug Cervical Mucus is 90% water. the mucus functions as a barrier or a transport medium to spermatozoa.
Kaynak: Cervix
Rheum (icon | ˈ | r | uː | m; from Greek : ῥεῦμα , rheuma, a flowing, rheum) is thin mucus naturally discharged as a watery substance from
Kaynak: Rheum
This protein is required to regulate the components of sweat, digestive fluids, and mucus . CFTR regulates the movement of chloride and
Kaynak: Cystic fibrosis
Blood-laced mucus from the sinus or nose area can sometimes be misidentified as symptomatic of hemoptysis (such secretions can be a sign of
Kaynak: Hemoptysis
Nose-picking is the act of extracting dried nasal mucus or foreign bodies from the nose with a finger . Despite being a very common
Kaynak: Nose-picking

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