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multiplicity ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

multiplicity anlamı
1) çokluk
2) çeşitlilik
3) çeğitlilik

"multiplicity" için örnek kullanımlar

Yes, it's a sort of multiplicity of issues that the clients are looking for.
Evet, müşteriler arıyoruz sorunların çokluğu bir tür var.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
It's the multiplicity of the devices that run on various versions of android.
Bu android çeşitli sürümleri üzerinde çalışan cihazların çokluğu var.
Kaynak: sbwire.com
Ben Affleck does something amazing with the multiplicity of voices.
Ben Affleck seslerin çokluğu ile şaşırtıcı bir şey yok.
Kaynak: thisdaylive.com
Dive a multiplicity of shallow shipwrecks and colorful reefs.
Sığ batıkların ve renkli resifleri çokluğu Dive.
Kaynak: eturbonews.com
In mathematics , the multiplicity of a member of a multiset is the number of times it appears in the multiset. For example, the number of
Kaynak: Multiplicity (mathematics)
Algebraic multiplicities: Let lambda_i be an eigenvalue of an n imes n matrix A. The algebraic multiplicity mu_A(lambda_i) of lambda_i
Kaynak: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
Intersection multiplicities for plane curves : called the intersection multiplicity of P and Q at p that satisfies the following properties:
Kaynak: Intersection number
In mathematics , Serre's multiplicity conjectures, named after Jean-Pierre Serre , are certain purely algebraic problems, in commutative
Kaynak: Serre's multiplicity conjectures
The multiplicity function for a two state paramagnet, W(n,N), is the number of spin states such that n of the N spins point in the z-
Kaynak: Multiplicity function for N noninteracting spins
In virology , the multiplicity of infection or MOI is the ratio of infectious agents (e.g. phage or virus ) to infection targets (e.g.
Kaynak: Multiplicity of infection
In diatonic set theory structure implies multiplicity is a quality of a collection or scale . This is that for the interval series formed
Kaynak: Structure implies multiplicity

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