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mutation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

mutation anlamı
1) mutasyon
2) değişim
3) dönüşüm

"mutation" için örnek kullanımlar

With the onset of summer, the mutation of the virus is on the downswing.
Yaz başlangıcı ile, virüsün mutasyon alçalış üzerindedir.
Kaynak: ndtv.com
Or do you see more patients coming in from the so called failure or mutation patients?
Yoksa sözde hatası veya mutasyon hastaların geliyor daha fazla hasta görüyor musun?
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
The disease causes a mutation in the X chromosome and affects white blood cells' function.
Hastalık X kromozomu bir mutasyon neden olur ve beyaz kan hücrelerinin 'fonksiyonunu etkiler.
Kaynak: lakeconews.com
Typically, cancer cells that ditch their surface coating of MHCs do so via a permanent genetic mutation.
Tipik olarak, bir sürekli genetik mutasyon yolu ile çok MHCs, kendi yüzey kaplama yok hendek kanser hücreleri.
Kaynak: mnn.com
In genetics , a mutation is a change of the nucleotide sequence of the genome of an organism , virus , or extrachromosomal genetic
Kaynak: Mutation
Consonant mutation is change in a consonant in a word according to its morphological and/or syntactic environment. Mutation phenomena
Kaynak: Consonant mutation
changes the genetic material, usually DNA , of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutation s above the natural background level.
Kaynak: Mutagen
Secondary mutations: Some mutants have shown the ability to develop a secondary mutation. See Secondary Mutation . Omega-level mutants
Kaynak: Mutant (Marvel Comics)
Initial consonant mutation-Lenition. Initial consonant mutation is a phenomenon common to all Insular Celtic languages , although there is
Kaynak: Colloquial Welsh morphology
The Opaline budgerigar mutation is one of approximately 30 mutations affecting the colour or appearance of budgerigar s. underlying mutation
Kaynak: Opaline budgerigar mutation
Cat s, like all living organisms, occasionally have mutation s that affect their body type. Sometimes, these cat body-type mutations are
Kaynak: Cat body-type mutation
metahuman abilities vary from story to story, but often involve the activation of a metagene either by accidental occurrence or by regular mutation.
Kaynak: Metahuman
In the mathematical field of knot theory , a mutation is an operation on a knot that can produce different knots. Suppose K is a knot
Kaynak: Mutation (knot theory)
When referring to translational frameshifting, the latter is always implied, the former being usually a result of a point mutation such
Kaynak: Translational frameshift
Mutation: In gene expression programming mutation is the most important genetic operator It changes genomes by changing an element by another
Kaynak: Gene expression programming
A point mutation, or single base substitution, is a type of mutation that causes the replacement of a single base nucleotide with another
Kaynak: Point mutation
In genetics , a missense mutation (a type of nonsynonymous mutation) is a point mutation in which a single nucleotide is changed,
Kaynak: Missense mutation

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