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myelitis ne demek?

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myelitis anlamı
1) omurilik iltihabı

"myelitis" için örnek kullanımlar

This latest trip to the emergency room was caused by a rare neurological disorder called transverse myelitis, which causes inflammation along the spinal cord.
Acile Bu son gezisi omurilik boyunca iltihaplanma neden transvers miyelit denilen nadir bir nörolojik bozukluk, neden oldu.
Kaynak: theledger.com
Transverse Myelitis (Latin: myelitis transversa) is a neurological disorder caused by an inflammatory process of the spinal cord , and
Kaynak: Transverse myelitis
This produces an inflammation of the optic nerve (optic neuritis ) and the spinal cord (myelitis ). Although inflammation may also affect
Kaynak: Neuromyelitis optica
demyelinating autoimmune diseases, cns : myelitis, transverse C10.114.375.600.500 | Neuromyelitis+Optica neuromyelitis optica C10.114.375.650
Kaynak: List of MeSH codes (C10)
Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1954 for showing how to cultivate polio myelitis viruses in a test tube, using tissue from a monkey
Kaynak: Thomas Huckle Weller
Diagnosed with transverse myelitis at the age of 24, she began playing wheelchair basketball in 1991 and participated in the Australia
Kaynak: Amanda Carter
When inflammatory, it is known as myelitis . Disease that is vascular in nature is known as vascular myelopathy . Clinical signs and
Kaynak: Myelopathy
autoimmune diseases of the nervous system : myelitis, transverse C20. | Neuromyelitis+Optica neuromyelitis optica
Kaynak: List of MeSH codes (C20)
Raised in Natick, Massachusetts , Forber-Pratt was diagnosed with transverse myelitis at four and a half months of age. The disorder left
Kaynak: Anjali Forber-Pratt
Narita has used a wheelchair because of myelitis since the age of 13; in 1994, additionally, she was involved in a traffic accident which
Kaynak: Mayumi Narita
Arlen lost the use of her legs due to a rare viral disease called transverse myelitis which also left her in a coma for nearly two years
Kaynak: Victoria Arlen
of the central nervous system, later revealed to be transverse myelitis , which causes damage to the spine, and forced him into a wheelchair.
Kaynak: André Venter
He is most famous for his 1840 study into polio myelitis, which was the first medical report on the disease, and the first time the
Kaynak: Jakob Heine
Herpesviruses : Infection can produce myelitis and encephalitis Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) Infection can produce myelitis and
Kaynak: Neurovirology
English has been paralysed from the waist down since the age of three due to transverse myelitis In December 1971, shortly after she had
Kaynak: Pauline English
September 28, 1955), was an Austrian physician, who, in 1908, along with Karl Landsteiner discovered the infectious character of Polio myelitis
Kaynak: Erwin Popper
transverse myelitis awareness (royal-blue ribbon with the words Transverse Myelitis Awareness. child abuse awareness (solid light-blue
Kaynak: List of awareness ribbons

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