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mystical ne demek?

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mystical anlamı
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"mystical" için örnek kullanımlar

Maybe it has to do with the rich, sometimes mystical, elements of their culture.
Belki de kendi kültürünün zengin, bazen mistik, elementler ile bir ilgisi yoktur.
Kaynak: blogs.dallasobserver.com
Pi has held an almost mystical quality to humans throughout time.
Pi süre boyunca insanlar için neredeyse mistik kalitesini düzenledi.
Kaynak: blogs.smithsonianmag.com
The theory may sound overly mystical, but the result is striking.
Teorisi aşırı mistik gelebilir, ama sonuç çarpıcıdır.
Kaynak: japantimes.co.jp
The potentially mystical implications of that strange synchronicity wasn't lost on Grohl.
Garip senkronisite potansiyel mistik etkileri Grohl kayıp değildi.
Kaynak: newsadvance.com
where rules governing the everyday life of monks and nuns provide a framework conducive to the cultivation of mystical states of consciousness.
Kaynak: Mysticism
Christian mysticism refers to the development of mystical practices and theory within Christianity . been connected to mystical theology ,
Kaynak: Christian mysticism
is defined by its adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a
Kaynak: Sufism
Inside Judaism, it forms the foundations of mystical religious interpretation. Outside Judaism, its scriptures are read outside the
Kaynak: Kabbalah
Note also that Gnostic Christianity has a strong mystical current, but shies away from practical magic and focuses more on theurgy .
Kaynak: Magic (paranormal)
It is particularly associated with the Jewish mystical tradition. Etymology: The Hebrew word for glue is דבק devek which is the root for
Kaynak: Devekut
Passover commemorates the exodus from Egypt, and in Jewish mystical thought, Egypt (in Hebrew "Mitzrayim", meaning "Limitations")
Kaynak: Sephirot
Medieval times, but assimilating and incorporating into itself earlier forms of Jewish mystical tradition, as well as other philosophical elements.
Kaynak: Jewish mysticism
Ayin became for kabbalists a symbol of "supreme existence" and "the mystical secret of being and non-being became united in the profound
Kaynak: Ayin and Yesh
A religious experience (sometimes known as a spiritual experience, sacred experience, or mystical experience) is a subjective experience
Kaynak: Religious experience

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