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myth ne demek?

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"myth" için örnek kullanımlar

There is honor and achievement in proving wrong the myth of "impossibility."
Miti yanlış kanıtlayan onur ve başarı vardır "imkânsızlık".
Kaynak: citizensvoice.com
It's a myth to think that Apple was dominant for any extended period of time.
O zaman herhangi bir süre için Apple baskın olduğunu düşünmek için bir efsane.
Kaynak: tech.fortune.cnn.com
NimaA March 14, 2013 01:16 Prof. thank you for smashing the myth!
NimaA 14 Mart 2013 01:16 Prof efsane çökertilmesi için teşekkür ederiz!
Kaynak: live.huffingtonpost.com
Here's another related myth that persists among many investors.
Burada birçok yatırımcılar arasında devam başka bir ilgili efsane.
Kaynak: cbsnews.com
A myth is, broadly, any worldview-based traditional story , or collection or study thereof: Sacred narrative , which validates a religious
Kaynak: Myth (disambiguation)
Greek mythology is the body of myth s and teachings that belong to the ancient Greeks , concerning their gods and heroes , the nature of
Kaynak: Greek mythology
An origin myth is a myth that purports to describe the origin of some feature of the natural or social world. One type of origin myth is
Kaynak: Myth of origins
The Christ myth theory (also known as Jesus myth theory or Jesus mythicism) is a range of arguments that question the existence of Jesus of
Kaynak: Christ myth theory
An urban legend, urban myth, urban tale, or contemporary legend, is a form of modern folklore consisting of stories that may or may not
Kaynak: Urban legend
In ancient Roman religion and myth , Jupiter (Iuppiter) or Jove is the king of the gods and the god of sky and thunder . Jupiter was
Kaynak: Jupiter (mythology)
The study of Roman religion and myth is complicated by the early influence of Greek religion on the Italian peninsula during Rome's
Kaynak: Roman mythology
was a legendary musician, poet, and prophet in ancient Greek religion and myth . The major stories about him are centered on his ability
Kaynak: Orpheus
was the myth ical founder-king of Athens , son of Aegeus and Poseidon , both of whom Aethra had slept with in one night. Theseus was a
Kaynak: Theseus
In traditional societies , myth and ritual are two central components of religious practice. Although myth and ritual are commonly
Kaynak: Myth and ritual
date July 2009 Thus, Roman religion is called "myth" by today's dominant religions. In that way, both "myth" and "folklore" have become
Kaynak: Folklore
Classical mythology or Greco-Roman mythology is the cultural reception of myth s from the ancient Greeks and Romans . Along with
Kaynak: Classical mythology
Latin language through French Its blurred (and essentially Protestant ) sense of a non-historical narrative or myth was first recorded in 1613.
Kaynak: Legend
In one episode, he travels back in time and meets the Odysseus of the Greek myth. Early 20th century British composer Cecil Armstrong Gibbs
Kaynak: Odysseus
In this version of the myth, Achilles' death therefore came in retribution for this sacrilege Ancient writers treated Troilus as the
Kaynak: Achilles

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