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mythology ne demek?

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mythology anlamı
1) mitoloji

"mythology" için örnek kullanımlar

"You start to understand the mythology of the character, how he fits in
"Sen karakterin mitolojisinde anlamaya başlarsınız, o nasıl sığar
Kaynak: femalefirst.co.uk
Not only that, but how does Benny fit into the whole mythology arc?
O, ama nasıl Benny bütün mitolojisinde yayı içine sığacak kalmıyor?
Kaynak: tvovermind.com
Rhianna: Researching the period and the mythology we draw upon was fascinating.
Rhianna: biz üzerine çekmek dönemi ve mitoloji Araştırma büyüleyici oldu.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
Now, in case your Greek mythology is a little dusty, let me bring you up to speed.
Şimdi durumda da Yunan mitolojisinde biraz tozlu, bana hıza kadar getirsin.
Kaynak: wmot.org
The term "mythology" can refer either to the study of myths (e.g., comparative mythology ), or to a body or collection of myths (a mythos,
Kaynak: Mythology
Greek mythology is the body of myth s and teachings that belong to the ancient Greeks , concerning their gods and heroes , the nature of
Kaynak: Greek mythology
The mythology of The X-Files , sometimes referred to as its "mytharc" by the show's staff and fans, follows the quest of FBI Special Agent
Kaynak: Mythology of The X-Files
Norse mythology or Scandinavian mythology is the body of mythology of the North Germanic peoples stemming from Norse paganism and
Kaynak: Norse mythology
Celtic mythology is the mythology of Celtic polytheism , the religion of the Iron Age Celt s Like other Iron Age Europeans, the early
Kaynak: Celtic mythology
Hindu mythology is a large body of traditional narratives related to Hinduism , notably as contained in Sanskrit literature , (such as the
Kaynak: Hindu mythology
Roman mythology is the body of traditional stories pertaining to ancient Rome 's legendary origins and religious system , as represented
Kaynak: Roman mythology
The mythology of pre-Christian Ireland did not entirely survive the conversion to Christianity , but much of it was preserved, shorn of
Kaynak: Irish mythology
Chinese mythology refers to those myths found in the historical geographic area of China : these include myths in Chinese and other
Kaynak: Chinese mythology
Welsh mythology is the mythology of the Welsh people . It consists partly of folk traditions developed in Wales , and partly of
Kaynak: Welsh mythology
Slavic mythology is the mythological aspect of the polytheistic religion that was practised by the Slavs before Christianisation .
Kaynak: Slavic mythology
Japanese mythology embraces Shinto and Buddhist traditions as well as agriculturally based folk religion . The Shinto pantheon
Kaynak: Japanese mythology
Classical mythology or Greco-Roman mythology is the cultural reception of myth s from the ancient Greeks and Romans . mythology
Kaynak: Classical mythology
Maya mythology is part of Mesoamerica n mythology and comprises all of the Maya tales in which personified forces of nature, deities, and
Kaynak: Maya mythology
Finnish mythology is the mythology that went with Finnish paganism which was practised by the Finnish people prior to Christianisation.
Kaynak: Finnish mythology
Christian mythology is the body of myths associated with Christianity . In the study of mythology the term "myth" refers to a
Kaynak: Christian mythology
Egyptian mythology is the collection of myth s from ancient Egypt , which describe the actions of the Egyptian gods as a means of
Kaynak: Egyptian mythology
Māori mythology and Māori traditions are the two major categories into which the legend s of the Māori of New Zealand may usefully be
Kaynak: Māori mythology
The seasons, festivals and numerous deities of Latvian mythology reflect the essential agrarian nature of Latvian tribal life.
Kaynak: Latvian mythology

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