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nascent ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

nascent anlamı
1) doğan
2) oluşmaya başlayan

"nascent" için örnek kullanımlar

The nascent housing market recovery is beginning to help some companies.
Doğmakta olan konut piyasası kurtarma bazı şirketlere yardımcı olmak için başlıyor.
Kaynak: smh.com.au
Thailand's nascent social media scene has reached a critical tipping point.
Tayland'ın yeni doğmakta olan sosyal medya sahnesinde önemli bir dönüm noktasına ulaştı.
Kaynak: campaignasia.com
The size of this nascent Big Data software opportunity is substantial.
Bu doğmakta olan Big Data yazılım fırsat boyutu büyüktür.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
Jun had similar levels of opprobrium for the nascent Ultrabook market.
Jun doğmakta olan Ultrabook pazarı için rezalet benzer düzeylerde vardı.
Kaynak: pcpro.co.uk
Nascent markets are small, newly developing market s. Companies can exploit nascent markets three ways: by making the company and market
Kaynak: Nascent market
Atomic hydrogen (or nascent hydrogen consists of individual hydrogen atoms that are not bound together like those in ordinary hydrogen
Kaynak: Nascent hydrogen
The nascent state (Statu Nascenti) is defined as a psychological process of destructuration- reorganization where the individual becomes
Kaynak: Nascent state
Ribosome-nascent chain complex (RNC) refers to the collection of molecules that constitute a ribosome attached to the polypeptide (protein
Kaynak: Ribosome-nascent chain complex
where η ε(x) is sometimes called a nascent delta function nascent delta function. This limit is meant in a weak sense: either that: |
Kaynak: Dirac delta function
In molecular biology and genetics , splicing is a modification of the nascent pre-mRNA taking place after or concurrently with its
Kaynak: RNA splicing
Orhan or Orhan Bey (Ottoman : Nastaliq | اورخان غازی, Orhan Gazi; 1281 – March 1362) was the second bey of the nascent Ottoman Empire
Kaynak: Orhan
Brahmoism is a religious movement from the late 18th century Bengal originating the Bengali Renaissance , the nascent Indian independence
Kaynak: Brahmoism
The French Military Mission to Poland was an effort by France to aid the nascent Second Polish Republic after it achieved its
Kaynak: French Military Mission to Poland

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