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nematode ne demek?

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"nematode" için örnek kullanımlar

You can order the nematode from garden centres.
Sen bahçe merkezlerinden nematod sipariş edebilirsiniz.
Kaynak: langleyadvance.com
There are instructions with each nematode kit.
Her nematod kiti ile talimatlar vardır.
Kaynak: thenownews.com
The snail can even cause structural damage to plaster and stucco, and carries a parasitic nematode that can cause meningitis in humans.
Salyangoz hatta alçı ve sıva için yapısal hasara neden olabilir ve insanlarda menenjit neden olabilir parazit nematod taşıyor olabilir.
Kaynak: theepochtimes.com
And when Rajewsky and his colleagues mined databases for circular RNA molecules, they found thousands in nematode worms, mice and humans.
Ve Rajewsky ve arkadaşları dairesel RNA molekülleri için veritabanları mayınlı, onlar nematod solucanları, farelerde ve insanlarda binlerce bulundu.
Kaynak: nature.com
is a free-living, transparent nematode (roundworm), about 1 mm in length which lives in temperate soil environments. The name is a blend
Kaynak: Caenorhabditis elegans
Root-knot nematodes are plant- parasitic nematode s from the genus Meloidogyne. They exist in soil in areas with hot climates or short
Kaynak: Root-knot nematode
Aphelenchoides fragariae (Strawberry foliar nematode, Begonia leaf nematode, Fern nematode, Spring crimp nematode, Strawberry bud nematode
Kaynak: Aphelenchoides fragariae
Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi (Black currant nematode, Chrysanthemum foliar nematode, Chrysanthemum leaf nematode, Chrysanthemum nematode,
Kaynak: Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi
Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, commonly known as pine wood nematode or pine wilt nematode (PWN), is a nematode (worm) that infects pine
Kaynak: Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
The soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines, is a plant-parasitic nematode and a devastating pest of the soybean (Glycine max)
Kaynak: Soybean cyst nematode
Tylenchulus semipenetrans (Citrus nematode, Citrus root nematode) is a plant pathogenic nematode. T. semipenetrans is found in most citrus
Kaynak: Tylenchulus semipenetrans
A nematode infection is a type of helminthiasis caused by organisms in the Nematode phylum. An example is enterobiasis . Several
Kaynak: Nematode infection
Globodera rostochiensis, commonly known as the golden nematode, golden eelworm or yellow potato cyst nematode, is a plant pathogenic
Kaynak: Globodera rostochiensis
Burrowing nematode or Banana-root nematode (Radopholus similis) is an important parasite of fruit, vegetable, and other crops.
Kaynak: Radopholus similis
Northern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne hapla) is a vegetable pathogen which produces tiny galls (a sore caused by friction and abrasion
Kaynak: Northern root-knot nematode
Agfa is a genus of parasitic nematode s in the family Agfidae . They are parasiting in land gastropod s. Species : Agfa flexilis (Dujardin,
Kaynak: Agfa (nematode)
The alae is a protruding ridge that forms longitudinally on many nematodes . In the Caenorhabditis elegans nematode they are present in
Kaynak: Alae (anatomy)

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