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Nicaragua ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

Nicaragua anlamı
1) Nikaragua

"Nicaragua" için örnek kullanımlar

He died in a 1972 plane crash during a humanitarian mission to Nicaragua.
O Nikaragua insani bir görev sırasında bir 1972 uçak kazasında öldü.
Kaynak: chicagotribune.com
The men's pingpong doubles team also fell to Nicaragua on Wednesday night.
Erkek pingpong da Çarşamba gecesi Nikaragua düştü ekip iki katına çıkar.
Kaynak: ticotimes.net
I saw a video of Pope John Paul getting angry when he was in Nicaragua.
Ben o Nikaragua iken Papa John Paul sinirlenen bir video gördüm.
Kaynak: lankaweb.com
Brian Childers' participation in a mission trip to Nicaragua in June.
Haziran ayında Nikaragua bir misyon gezisi Brian Childers katılımı.
Kaynak: uniondailytimes.com
Nicaragua (AmE. audio En-us-Nicaragua. ogg | ˌ | n | ɪ | k | ə | ˈ | r | ɑː | ɡ | w | ə nik-ə | RAH | gwə BrE. ˌ | n | ɪ | k | ə | ˈ | r | æ
Kaynak: Nicaragua
The Nicaragua national football team is the national team of Nicaragua and is controlled by the Nicaraguan Football Federation .
Kaynak: Nicaragua national football team
groups opposing the Sandinista Junta of National Reconstruction government in Nicaragua that were active from 1979 through to the early 1990s.
Kaynak: Contras
The United States occupation of Nicaragua was part of the larger conflict known as the Banana Wars . interventions in Nicaragua were
Kaynak: United States occupation of Nicaragua
The position of President of Nicaragua was created in the Constitution of 1854. From 1825 until the Constitution of 1838 the title of the
Kaynak: President of Nicaragua
Lake Nicaragua or Cocibolca or Granada or (Lago de Nicaragua, Lago Cocibolca, Mar Dulce, Gran Lago, Gran Lago Dulce, or Lago de Granada) is
Kaynak: Lake Nicaragua
Nicaragua is the least densely populated nation in Central America , with a demographic similar in size to its smaller neighbors.
Kaynak: History of Nicaragua
Most Nicaraguans live in Nicaragua, although there is also a significant Nicaraguan diaspora , particularly in Costa Rica and the United
Kaynak: Nicaraguans
Nicaragua is a unitary republic , divided for administrative purposes into fifteen departments (departamentos) and two autonomous
Kaynak: Departments of Nicaragua
The Nicaragua national baseball team is the national baseball team of Nicaragua . Panama It represents Nicaragua in international tournaments.
Kaynak: Nicaragua national baseball team
The Miss Nicaragua contest is the national beauty pageant of Nicaragua and is a franchise of SILHUETAS, a modeling agency Each Nicaraguan
Kaynak: Miss Nicaragua
The Inter-Oceanic Nicaragua Canal is a proposed waterway through Nicaragua to connect the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean with the
Kaynak: Nicaragua Canal
The protected areas of Nicaragua are areas that have natural beauty or significance and are protected by Nicaragua . Nicaragua has 78
Kaynak: Protected areas of Nicaragua
Elections in Nicaragua gives information on election s and election results in Nicaragua . The Republic of Nicaragua elects on national
Kaynak: Elections in Nicaragua
Music of Nicaragua is a mixture of indigenous and European, especially Spanish , influences. Musical instrument s include the marimba
Kaynak: Music of Nicaragua
Nicaragua pursues an independent foreign policy. A participant of the Central American Security Commission (CSC), Nicaragua also has
Kaynak: Foreign relations of Nicaragua
This article is about the demographic features of the population of Nicaragua , including population density , ethnicity , education level
Kaynak: Demographics of Nicaragua

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