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nominalism ne demek?

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nominalism anlamı
1) nominalizm

"nominalism" için örnek kullanımlar

Psychological nominalism is the view advanced in Wilfrid Sellars ' paper "Empiricism and Philosophy of Mind" (EPM) that explains
Kaynak: Psychological nominalism
There are various forms of nominalism (which is sometimes also referred to as "terminism"), three major forms are resemblance nominalism
Kaynak: Problem of universals
Nominalism: A pioneer of nominalism , some consider him the father of modern epistemology , because of his strongly argued position that only
Kaynak: William of Ockham
while nominalism is the negation, or denial of universals, abstract objects, or both. Conceptualism holds that universals exist, but
Kaynak: Philosophy
Realism in this context, contrasted with conceptualism and nominalism , holds that such universals really exist, independently and
Kaynak: Philosophical realism
Resemblance nominalism Ludwig Wittgenstein's family resemblance s. In text mining, the degree to which two documents resemble each other,
Kaynak: Resemblance
Trope theory in metaphysics is a version of nominalism . Here, a trope is a particular instance of a property, like the specific redness
Kaynak: Trope (philosophy)
1125), was a French philosopher and theologian , often regarded as the founder of nominalism (cfr. Scholasticism ). Biography
Kaynak: Roscellinus
wrote on the problem of universals and criticized nominalism , a literary and cultural critic , and a theorist of human nature and society.
Kaynak: Richard M. Weaver
There are two main positions on the issue: realism and nominalism (sometimes simply called "anti-realism" about universals), along with
Kaynak: Universal (metaphysics)
It is opposed to both full-blooded realism , such as the theory of Platonic form s, and nominalism . Nominalists deny the existence of
Kaynak: Moderate realism
whether they have any real existence and if so of what kind, is a long-standing issue, realism and nominalism representing opposing views.
Kaynak: Metaphysics
Nominalism and mereology: Goodman, along with Stanislaw Lesniewski , is the founder of the contemporary variant of nominalism , which argues
Kaynak: Nelson Goodman
consciousness, and is the opposite of nominalism (with a lower case "n Lower case "platonists" need not accept any of the doctrines of Plato.
Kaynak: Platonism
The book is largely a treatise on the harmful effects of nominalism on Western Civilization since this doctrine gained prominence in the
Kaynak: Ideas Have Consequences

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