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nonprofit ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

nonprofit anlamı
1) kâr amacı gütmeyen
2) kâr etmeyen

"nonprofit" için örnek kullanımlar

AZGives.org and pledge financial support to the nonprofit of their choice.
Seçtikleri kar amacı gütmeyen AZGives.org ve rehin finansal destek.
Kaynak: bizjournals.com
According to the piece, Beutner wants to run The Times as a nonprofit.
Parça göre, Beutner kar amacı gütmeyen bir olarak Times koşmak istiyor.
Kaynak: scpr.org
The campaign will run through May, the nonprofit conservation organization said.
Kampanyası Mayıs sonuna kadar devam edecek, kar amacı gütmeyen koruma organizasyonu dedi.
Kaynak: q13fox.com
They formed the nonprofit Ohio's Great Corridor Association.
Bunlar kar amacı gütmeyen Ohio Büyük Koridor Derneği kurdu.
Kaynak: journal-news.com
A nonprofit organization (US and UK or not-for-profit organization (UK and others), often called an NPO or simply a nonprofit.
Kaynak: Nonprofit organization
A 501(c) organization, also known colloquially as either a 501(c) or a "nonprofit", is an American tax-exempt nonprofit organization .
Kaynak: 501(c) organization
Professor Akira Iriye defines NGO as "a voluntary nonstate, nonprofit, nonreligious, and nonmilitary association. Types: Some find it helpful
Kaynak: Non-governmental organization
A public-benefit nonprofit corporation is a type of nonprofit corporation chartered by a state government , and organized primarily or
Kaynak: Public-benefit nonprofit corporation
A foundation (also a charitable foundation) is a legal categorization of nonprofit organizations that will typically either donate funds
Kaynak: Foundation (non-profit)
Nonprofit technology comprises information and communication technologies that support the goals of nonprofit , nongovernmental , third
Kaynak: Non-profit technology
Nonprofit VOTE, formerly the Nonprofit Voter Engagement Network (NVEN), is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization , founded in 2005, that works
Kaynak: Nonprofit VOTE
Nonprofit studies is a multidisciplinary field of teaching and research that focuses on practices of the nonprofit sector.
Kaynak: Nonprofit studies
The term Nonprofits Research is used to describe the academic enterprise devoted to teaching and research on nonprofit organization s and
Kaynak: Nonprofits research
Nonprofit Technology Resources (NTR) is a charitable nonprofit organization (NPO) inside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania that "serves low-
Kaynak: Nonprofit Technology Resources
In the United States, a mutual-benefit nonprofit corporation or membership corporation is a type of nonprofit corporation chartered by a
Kaynak: Mutual-benefit nonprofit corporation

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