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nonsensical ne demek?

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"nonsensical" için örnek kullanımlar

One of the things he cleared up a nonsensical rumor that had him laughing.
Şeylerden biri ona gülüyor vardı saçma sapan bir söylenti temizlendi.
Kaynak: ph.omg.yahoo.com
It's hard to hate a movie like Upside Down, which is so gleefully nonsensical.
O kadar neşeyle saçma olan, Upside Down gibi bir film nefret etmek zor.
Kaynak: io9.com
Offensive, irrelevant, nonsensical and commercial posts will not be published.
Saldırgan, alakasız saçma ve ticari mesajların yayınlanan olmayacaktır.
Kaynak: sciencenews.org
A nonsensical political montage during the opening credits doesn't quite cut it.
Açılış kredisi sırasında bir safsatadır siyasi montajın tamamen kesmiyor.
Kaynak: heyuguys.co.uk
For example, "1+1 2" is a nonsensical proposition Wittgenstein wrote in Tractatus Logico Philosophicus that some of the propositions
Kaynak: Nonsense
agoria "speech"), which is a meaningless or nonsensical piece of writing, especially one intended as a parody. rather than nonsensical, effect.
Kaynak: Nonsense verse
Literary nonsense (or nonsense literature) is a broad categorization of literature that uses sensical and nonsensical elements to defy
Kaynak: Literary nonsense
A novelty song is a comical or nonsensical song , performed principally for its comical effect . Humorous songs, or those containing
Kaynak: Novelty song
"Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow" is a 1962 novelty nonsensical doo-wop song by The Rivingtons . The song peaked at 48 on the Billboard Hot 100 and
Kaynak: Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow
It is characterized by nonsensical or wrong answers to questions or doing things incorrectly, other dissociative symptoms such as fugue
Kaynak: Ganser syndrome
The term Lübke English (or, in German, "Lübke-Englisch") refers to nonsensical English texts created by a naive word-by-word translation of
Kaynak: Lübke English
The book consists of nonsensical stories and drawings similar to the style of his previous book, 1964's In His Own Write . The name refers
Kaynak: A Spaniard in the Works
The Magic Chalk is a nonsensical children's novel written by Norwegian author Zinken Hopp in 1949. The novel has a slightly satirical
Kaynak: The Magic Chalk
In Islamic context, Laghw (لغو) means "evil vain talk", vain, dirty, false, falsehood, nonsensical, meaningless and anything forbidden by
Kaynak: Laghw
The age of the captain is a nonsensical mathematical word problem . It was given for the first time by Gustave Flaubert in a letter to
Kaynak: Age of the captain
fact that computer s will unquestioningly process the most nonsensical of input data "garbage in" and produce nonsensical output "garbage out".
Kaynak: Garbage in, garbage out
When "Bush hid the facts" (without newline) is put in a new Notepad document and saved, closed, and reopened, the nonsensical words
Kaynak: Bush hid the facts
"Boum Badadoum" is part of the long Eurovision tradition of nonsensical titles and lyrics. However, instead of the usual Eurovision
Kaynak: Boum-Badaboum
Typical constituents of this humour include nonsensical parodies , juxtaposition of contrasts, sudden surprises in spoken dialogue and
Kaynak: Mo lei tau
The game contains unique gameplay, along with many nonsensical or comedic themes not present in other games of the genre, but was never
Kaynak: Boogie Wings

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