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nourish ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

nourish anlamı
1) beslemek
2) gütmek
3) büyütmek
4) desteklemek

"nourish" için örnek kullanımlar

We can't nourish healthy policy with the political candy called rent control.
Biz kontrol kiralamak adlandırılan siyasi şeker ile sağlıklı politika besler olamaz.
Kaynak: leaderpost.com
Fruits are especially blended to moisturise and nourish your skin.
Meyve cildinizi nemlendirmek ve beslemek için özellikle harmanlanır.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
The company's mission is to nourish the world's children for the best start in life.
Şirketin misyonu yaşama en iyi başlangıç ​​için dünya çocuklarını beslemek için olduğunu.
Kaynak: fortmilltimes.com
from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to launch a research project assessing agricultural innovations that nourish people and the planet.
Kaynak: Nourishing the Planet
Project Angel Food is a nonprofit agency whose mission is to nourish the body and spirit of men, women and children affected by HIV/AIDS,
Kaynak: Project Angel Food
Dabuyin Wan (s 大补阴丸 | t 大補陰丸) is a dark brownish-black water-honeyed pill used in Traditional Chinese medicine to "nourish yin and to lower
Kaynak: Dabuyin Wan
Kanggu Zengsheng Wan (c 抗骨增生丸) is a black pill used in Traditional Chinese medicine to "nourish loins and kidney and strengthen the tendons
Kaynak: Kanggu Zengsheng Wan
is a blackish-brown pill used in Traditional Chinese medicine to "nourish yin of the liver and the kidney, and to improve eyesight Its
Kaynak: Mingmu Dihuang Wan

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