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nude ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

nude anlamı
1) çıplak
2) hükümsüz
3) ten rengi
4) geçersiz
1) nü
2) çıplaklık
3) çıplak insan vücudu
4) çıplak resmi

"nude" için örnek kullanımlar

It makes me furious that the women are nude, yet the men are covered up.
Bu kadınların çıplak olduğunu bana öfkeli yapar, henüz erkek örtbas edilmektedir.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
Girls fans have seen plenty of Lena Dunham in the nude over two seasons.
Kızlar hayranları iki sezon boyunca çıplak Lena Dunham bol gördük.
Kaynak: celebuzz.com
This piece involves taking on and off clothes without getting completely nude.
Bu parça tamamen çıplak almadan giysiler alarak ve kapatma içerir.
Kaynak: blogs.westword.com
Kristen Stewart: Nude scenes 'seemed so necessary' in 'On the Road'.
Kristen Stewart: Çıplak sahneler 'Yolda' in 'çok gerekli görünüyordu'.
Kaynak: suntimes.com
For example, people need to bathe without clothing, some people also sleep in the nude, some prefer to sunbathe in the nude or at least
Kaynak: Nudity
The Nude is a work of fine art that has as its primary subject the unclothed human body The nude is mainly a tradition in Western art, and
Kaynak: Nude (art)
A nude beach is a beach where users are legally at liberty to be nude . optional beach or free beach are used. Nude bathing is one of the
Kaynak: Nude beach
Nude photography is a genre of art photography which depicts the nude human body. secondary This distinguishes nude photography from
Kaynak: Nude photography
The presentation of nudity, in films or otherwise, has long been controversial, and most nude scenes in films have had to be justified as
Kaynak: Nudity in film
naked sky-diving to hiking and dancing One of the favorite is of course nude swimming (sometimes called skinny dipping ) in a river, lake,
Kaynak: Naturism
Public nudity or nude in public (NIP) refers to nudity not in an entirely private context. It refers to a person appearing nude in a
Kaynak: Public nudity
However nude depictions may be criticized by feminists as inherently voyeuristic due to the male gaze Although not specifically anti-
Kaynak: Depictions of nudity
There are also some cultures in the tropics today in which sports are played in the nude or partially nude. exercise and compete in the nude
Kaynak: Nudity in sport
Clothed male, naked (or nude) female (on the internet sometimes abbreviated to CMNF) is a genre of erotica featuring one or more nude
Kaynak: Clothed male, naked female
Nude (Charis, Santa Monica) is a photograph taken by Edward Weston in 1936. It shows an apparently nude woman with her arms wrapped
Kaynak: Nude (Charis, Santa Monica)

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