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nugget ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

nugget anlamı
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2) küçük değerli şey

"nugget" için örnek kullanımlar

Then, they throw this little nugget in which was pitched to us on a Tuesday.
Sonra, bir Salı günü bize perdeli olduğu bu küçük nugget atmak.
Kaynak: dodgeglobe.com
Anthony wasn't the only former Nugget returning to the Pepsi Center.
Anthony Pepsi Center'da dönen tek eski Nugget değildi.
Kaynak: foxnews.com
Her nugget of wisdom is that she never makes her fans and supporters do anything.
Bilgelik Onun külçe onun hayranları ve taraftarları her şeyi yapar asla olmasıdır.
Kaynak: economist.com
Ty Lawson, the remaining Nugget from Melo's final season here, flashed a grin Melo's way.
Ty Lawson, burada Melo nihai sezonun kalan Nugget, sırıtarak Melo yolu parladı.
Kaynak: gazette.com
Nugget may refer to: Gold nugget , a piece of gold produced through mining and extraction. Chicken nugget , a lump of breaded or battered
Kaynak: Nugget
A gold nugget is a naturally occurring piece of native gold . Watercourse s often concentrate nuggets and finer gold in placer s.
Kaynak: Gold nugget
A chicken nugget is a chicken product made from either meat slurry or chicken breasts cut to shape, breaded or battered , then deep-fried
Kaynak: Chicken nugget
The Nugget is a 2002 comedy film about three friends who find the world's largest nugget of gold. Storyline: world's biggest nugget of gold
Kaynak: The Nugget
The Welcome Nugget was the name given to a large gold nugget , weighing 2,217 troy ounces 16 pennyweight (68.98 kg), that was discovered
Kaynak: Welcome Nugget

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