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nystagmus ne demek?

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nystagmus anlamı

"nystagmus" için örnek kullanımlar

Ms Hodges is registered blind with nystagmus, which causes involuntary movement of the eyes.
Bayan Hodges gözlerin istemsiz hareket neden nistagmus ile kör kayıtlıdır.
Kaynak: bbc.co.uk
Junior Jordan Hammond, who has nystagmus, and junior Justin Lopez, who has muscular dystrophy, also spoke at the event about their disabilities.
Müsküler distrofi var nistagmus vardır konumundadır Ürdün Hammond, ortaokul ve Justin Lopez, ayrıca engelli ile ilgili etkinlikte konuştu.
Kaynak: bgnews.com
Bruns nystagmus is an unusual type of bilateral nystagmus most commonly occurring in patients with cerebellopontine angle tumours .
Kaynak: Bruns nystagmus
Positional alcohol nystagmus (PAN) is nystagmus (visible jerkiness in eye movement ) produced when the head is placed in a sideways
Kaynak: Positional alcohol nystagmus
Zonular cataract and nystagmus, also referred as Nystagmus with congenital zonular cataract is a rare congenital disease associated with
Kaynak: Zonular cataract and nystagmus
Optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) is nystagmus that occurs in response to a rotation movement. It is present normally. The optokinetic reflex
Kaynak: Optokinetic reflex
C old water FAST phase of nystagmus to the side O pposite from the cold water filled ear W arm water FAST phase of nystagmus to the S ame
Kaynak: Caloric reflex test
The contralateral eye abducts , however with nystagmus . Additionally, the divergence of the eyes leads to horizontal diplopia .
Kaynak: Internuclear ophthalmoplegia
Alexander's law states that in individuals with nystagmus, the amplitude of the nystagmus increases when the eye moves in the direction of
Kaynak: Alexander's law
accompanying neurologic deficits (such as slurred speech and double vision ), and pathologic nystagmus (which is pure vertical/torsional).
Kaynak: Vertigo
Wernicke's encephalopathy is a syndrome characterised by ataxia , ophthalmoplegia , nystagmus , confusion, and impairment of short-term
Kaynak: Wernicke's encephalopathy
Electronystagmography (ENG) is a diagnostic test to record involuntary movements of the eye caused by a condition known as nystagmus .
Kaynak: Electronystagmography
Charcot's neurologic triad is the combination of nystagmus , intention tremor , and scanning or staccato speech. This triad is associated
Kaynak: Charcot's neurologic triad
Tullio phenomenon, sound-induced vertigo, dizziness, nausea or eye movement (nystagmus ) was first described in 1929 by the Italian
Kaynak: Tullio phenomenon
The nystagmus associated with BPPV has several important characteristics which differentiate it from other types of nystagmus.
Kaynak: Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo
Frenzel goggles are a diagnostic tool used in ophthalmology for the medical evaluation of involuntary eye movement (nystagmus ).
Kaynak: Frenzel goggles
patient's eyes are then observed for about 45 seconds as there is a characteristic 5–10 second period of latency prior to the onset of nystagmus .
Kaynak: Dix–Hallpike test

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