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obedient ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

obedient anlamı
1) itaatkâr
2) sadık
3) yumuşak başlı
4) söz dinler

"obedient" için örnek kullanımlar

Her friends know her as a hard working person, obedient and respectful.
Onun arkadaş itaatkar ve saygılı bir çalışkan kişi olarak onu biliyorum.
Kaynak: newvision.co.ug
Women of my generation are still being sold lies to keep us obedient.
Halen satılmakta olan benim nesil Kadınlar bize itaatkar tutmak yatıyor.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
by the ace Ahmed Khan, who said that Sunny is an obedient student.
Sunny itaatkar bir öğrenci olduğunu söyledi ace Ahmed Han, tarafından.
Kaynak: hindustantimes.com
Heller was obedient in the courtroom, but exploded outside of it.
Heller Mahkemede itaatkar, ama bunun dışında patladı.
Kaynak: examiner.com
Humans have been shown to be surprisingly obedient in the presence of perceived legitimate authority figures, as shown by the Milgram
Kaynak: Obedience (human behavior)
Physostegia virginiana (obedient plant or false dragonhead) is a species of flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, native to most
Kaynak: Physostegia virginiana
According to The Goetia: The Lesser Key of Solomon the King , Paimon is one of the Kings of Hell , more obedient to Lucifer than other
Kaynak: Paimon
Obedientiaries, the plural of Obedienciary, from the Latin Obedientiarius, meaning someone in an 'obedient', i.e. subordinate, position,
Kaynak: Obedientiaries
Al Qunut literally means "being obedient" or "the act of standing" in Arabic . The word is usually used in reference to special
Kaynak: Qunut
For a dog to be considered obedient rather than simply trained in obedience, it must respond reliably each time the command is given, by
Kaynak: Obedience training
the relationship, but Petruchio tempers her with various psychological torments—the "taming"—until she becomes a compliant and obedient bride.
Kaynak: The Taming of the Shrew
Bangladesh Bangladesh Scouts : A Scout is courteous and obedient. A Scout is kind to animals. A Scout is cheerful at all times. A Scout is
Kaynak: Scout Law
supremacy on 10 December 1534 and from then until its Dissolution he kept the house generally obedient to the will of the king and Cromwell.
Kaynak: Thomas Goldwell (prior)
In Geoffrey Chaucer 's Canterbury Tales , this human-faced cow is perpetually starved to skin and bone due to the scarcity of obedient and
Kaynak: Chichevache
Man is also considered to be the head of the family The Qur'an recommends that wives be obedient and adaptable to their husbands.
Kaynak: An-Nisa, 34

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