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ocean ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

ocean anlamı
1) okyanus
2) derya

"ocean" için örnek kullanımlar

She was taking Ocean to the park and he planned to skate down to meet them.
O parka Okyanusu alıyordu ve onları karşılamak için aşağı paten planlanmaktadır.
Kaynak: stuff.co.nz
"Sharks and manta rays are extremely important to the ocean ecosystems," said S
"Köpekbalıkları ve manta okyanus ekosistemlerini için son derece önemli olan," S dedi
Kaynak: nmfs.noaa.gov
But first they have to know what sets Maine lobster apart from lesser ocean dwellers.
Ama önce onlar ayrı az okyanus canlılarından Maine ıstakoz setleri bilmek gerekir.
Kaynak: bangordailynews.com
An ocean. (grc | Ὠκεανὸς (Okeanos the World Ocean of classical antiquity ) is a body of saline water that composes a large part of a
Kaynak: Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean is the second-largest of the world's ocean ic divisions. With a total area of about 106,400,000 | km2 | sqmi it covers
Kaynak: Atlantic Ocean
The Pacific Ocean is the largest of the Earth 's ocean ic divisions. It extends from the Arctic in the north to the Southern Ocean (or,
Kaynak: Pacific Ocean
The Indian Ocean is the third largest of the world's ocean ic divisions, covering approximately 20% of the water on the Earth 's surface
Kaynak: Indian Ocean
As an adjective it is usually applicable to things relating to the sea or ocean , such as marine biology , marine ecology and marine
Kaynak: Marine (ocean)
An ocean liner is a ship designed to transport people from one seaport to another along regular long-distance maritime routes according
Kaynak: Ocean liner
An ocean current is a continuous, directed movement of ocean water generated by the forces acting upon this mean flow , such as breaking
Kaynak: Ocean current
Oceanography (compound of the Greek words ωκεανός meaning "ocean " and γράφω meaning "to write"), also called oceanology or marine science
Kaynak: Oceanography
The World Ocean, world ocean, or global ocean, is the interconnected system of the Earth 's ocean ic (or marine ) water s, and comprises
Kaynak: World Ocean
Sea surface temperature (SST) is the water temperature close to the ocean 's surface. The exact meaning of surface varies according to
Kaynak: Sea surface temperature

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