Stevenson, R.C., Some Aspects of the Spread of Islam in the Nuba Mountains
offprint - from Sudan Notes and Records Nyimang
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offprint. Apocryphal (not Cadamosto, but attributed to him in the past): Unknown (1490) Il
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offprint. Lanman, J.T. (1987) On the Origin of Portolan Charts. Chicago: Newberry.
Kaynak: Rutter (nautical)Über den Taylorschen Lehrsatz für Funktionen einer reellen Veränderlichen,
offprint of the Royal Academy of Sciences, 1913 Majolikasammlung
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offprint. Fuson, Robert (1961) "Caicos: Site of Columbus's Landfall", Professional Geographer, vol
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offprint of its proceedings features her “Boston and New York in the 18th Century” (1982 In the 1990s, Maier was a charter member of “
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offprint. D'Avezac, M.A.P. Marquis (1874) Aperçus historiques sur la rose des vents:
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offprint; Waters, D.W (1988) "Reflections Upon Some Navigational and Hydrographic
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offprint).pdf | accessdate October 26, 2012 author Piero Bartoloni | title Fenici e Cartaginesi in Sardegna | pages 19
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offprint. Bouchon, G. (1985) "Glimpses of the Beginnings of the Carreira da India", in T.R
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offprint. Longhena, M. (1927) "La carta dei Fratelli Pizigano della Biblioteca Palatina di Parma
Kaynak: Domenico and Francesco Pizzigano