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onerous ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

onerous anlamı
1) ağır
2) zahmetli
3) külfetli

"onerous" için örnek kullanımlar

Yet, when all is said and done, the system is onerous but not ruinous.
Ancak, tüm dedi ve bitmiş zaman, sistem zahmetli ama yıkıcı değil.
Kaynak: bdlive.co.za
The players do have an option if they feel the escrow is too onerous.
Onlar emanet çok külfetli olduğunu düşünüyorsanız oyuncular bir seçenek var.
Kaynak: montrealgazette.com
Congestion in Israel's city centers can be onerous, to say the least.
İsrail'in şehir merkezlerinde Tıkanıklık az söylemek, zahmetli olabilir.
Kaynak: haaretz.com
Do they, in fact, find touching their touch screens to be too onerous to deal with?
Onlar, aslında, kendi dokunmatik ekranlar ile başa çıkmak için çok külfetli olmaya dokunmadan buluyor musunuz?
Kaynak: digitaltrends.com
An example of Political Psychological Rationalization would be Candidate "A" accusing Candidate "B" of having an onerous tax policy for
Kaynak: Political Psychological Rationalization
under onerous reparations and stung by the collective responsibility provisions of the Treaty of Versailles , was a defeated nation in turmoil.
Kaynak: Soviet–German relations before 1941
The 1st United States Congress , wanting a straightforward tax that was not too onerous and easy to collect, passed the Tariff of 1790 .
Kaynak: Tariffs in United States history
requirements for the exhibition and funding of Canadian-produced programming , rather than Category B obligations which, typically, are less onerous.
Kaynak: Category C services
There is a Custom-house officer here, though I should judge that his avocations were not of an extremely onerous nature, and the township
Kaynak: Euston, New South Wales
It extended the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 by adding onerous new requirements. The law required all Chinese residents of the United
Kaynak: Geary Act
This surveillance proved so onerous that they sought to gain their freedom by taking refuge with Cleopatra. Their plans were betrayed,
Kaynak: Aristobulus III of Judea
The work is low-paid and very onerous. Workers earn around $5.50-$8.30 (Rp 50,000 - Rp 75,000) per day and once out of the crater, still
Kaynak: Ijen
Oleson was at the same time both onerous and endearing to children and adults alike, as audiences watched her character practice self-
Kaynak: Katherine MacGregor
He was sent by the Klondike miners in 1897 as commissioner to the Dominion of Canada to urge a modification of onerous laws. Livernash was
Kaynak: Edward J. Livernash
than an invitation to treat , and serves as an example for how onerous exclusion clauses can be deemed to not be incorporated in a contract.
Kaynak: Chapelton v Barry Urban District Council
city put such onerous demands on the company – including paving large chunks of the then totally unpaved town – that it lay dormant for years.
Kaynak: Atlanta Street Railway
resources, which are provided by both RDF/XML and Turtle) it can be onerous to type out large amounts of data by hand, and difficult to read.
Kaynak: N-Triples
Arbitrary and onerous demands, as well as a reputation for offending Pohnpeian deities, sowed resentment among Pohnpeians. The Saudeleur
Kaynak: Saudeleur Dynasty
However, consolidation regimes can include onerous rules and regulations. Countries which have adopted a tax consolidation regime include
Kaynak: Tax consolidation
(then called European Economic Community directive) governing the use of surprising or onerous terms used by business in deals with consumers.
Kaynak: Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Directive
The Heerbann was particularly onerous for poorer landowners, several of whom had to equip a knight for war (one for every 3 hides ), so
Kaynak: Heerbann
if events have rendered performance more onerous than would reasonably have been anticipated at the time of the conclusion of the contract.
Kaynak: Hardship clause
(when regulations are so onerous that they make the regulated property unusable by its owner for any reasonable or economically viable purpose).
Kaynak: Inverse condemnation

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