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orally ne demek?

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orally anlamı
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"orally" için örnek kullanımlar

JoJo McGlaston, who has orally committed to Utah State, leads the Gaels.
Sözlü Utah State taahhüt etmiştir JoJo McGlaston, Gaels açar.
Kaynak: contracostatimes.com
At present, liposomes are the most effective way to deliver nutrients orally.
Şu anda, lipozomlar sözlü besin sağlamak için en etkili yoldur.
Kaynak: prweb.com
Pimavanserin is a small molecule and can be taken orally once a day.
Pimavanserin küçük bir moleküldür ve günde bir kez ağızdan alınabilir.
Kaynak: wire.kapitall.com
He added that such drugs were best absorbed at highly acidic levels when taken orally.
O ağızdan alındığında bu tür ilaçların en yüksek asitli düzeyde absorbe olduklarını da sözlerine ekledi.
Kaynak: nigeria.news24.com
However, uptake of drugs administered orally may also occur already in the stomach , why gastrointestinal (along the gastrointestinal
Kaynak: Route of administration
understood to be part or all of the lore media with which a society conducts profound and common cultural affairs among its members, orally.
Kaynak: Oral literature
The expression is used in medicine to describe a treatment that is taken orally. The abbreviated P.O. is often used on medical
Kaynak: Oral administration
An orally disintegrating tablet or orodispersible tablet (ODT) is a drug dosage form available for a limited range of over-the-counter
Kaynak: Orally disintegrating tablet
advantages over other modes of drug delivery, such as ingestible tablets, chewable tablets, orally dissolving tablets, softgels, liquids or inhalants
Kaynak: Thin film drug delivery
Mahavira's preaching were orally compiled by his disciples into various Sutra s (texts) which were collectively called Jain canonical or
Kaynak: Jain Agamas

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