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orangeade ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

orangeade anlamı
1) portakal gazozu

"orangeade" için örnek kullanımlar

Orange soft drinks (called orange soda or orange pop date February 2010 in certain regions of the United States and Canada, orangeade in
Kaynak: Orange soft drink
These are ginger boles, made of dough filled with ginger , and orangeade boles filled with orangeade and almond meal flavoured with
Kaynak: Zeeuwse bolus
Examples of its usage are: lemonade , limeade , cherryade , and orangeade . Similar beverages that do not contain fruit juice may use the
Kaynak: Ade (drink suffix)
In the 1970s, R White's also made orangeade, dandelion & burdock and cream soda. R. White's still contains real lemons and is available as a
Kaynak: R. White's Lemonade
The drink was available in several flavours, including the original orangeade and later lemonade, limeade and cherryade. One of their
Kaynak: Corona (soft drink)
A total of 5 glass screw-top orangeade and cherryade bottles (made by Wild Bros of Heywood ) were used to club the victim, each of which
Kaynak: James Smith (murderer)
grape, cherry, Sarsaparilla , white birch beer, orangeade, raspberry, teaberry , lemonade , uffri cola, celery cola, pop, and still grape.
Kaynak: Catawissa Bottling Company
Sweden : Loranga (orangeade) M.A.C. Black Cola Merry (luxurious lemon/lime drink no longer in stock) Nexcite (an energy drink meant to
Kaynak: List of soft drinks by country
local hospital used to serve Twin Lights ginger ale to patients, while Twin Lights orangeade gained a reputation as a reliable hangover cure.
Kaynak: Twin Lights Soda

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