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orthographical ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

orthographical anlamı
1) yazım
2) imlâ

"orthographical" için örnek kullanımlar

the naming of organism s, an orthographical variant (abbreviated orth. var.) in botany or an orthographic error in zoology , is a
Kaynak: Orthographical variant
Geastrum (orthographical variant Geaster is a genus of mushroom in the family Geastraceae . Many species are known commonly as
Kaynak: Geastrum
Morfydd ferch Urien (Middle Welsh orthographical variations include Morvydd verch Urien; "Morfydd daughter of Urien") is a figure of Welsh
Kaynak: Morfydd
Broad On (Ѻ ѻ; italics: Ѻ ѻ) is a positional and orthographical variant of the Cyrillic letter O (О о) (here "on" (Cyrs | онъ, onŭ) is a
Kaynak: Broad On
Tryblidiopsis (Triblidiopsis is an orthographical variant ) is a genus of fungi within the Rhytismataceae family. References
Kaynak: Tryblidiopsis
Hygrophorus goetzii (Hygrophorus goetzei is an orthographical variant spelling) is a species of fungus in the family Hygrophoraceae .
Kaynak: Hygrophorus goetzii
was a linguistic council established for the purpose of providing orthographical and orthoepical norm for the Croatian standard language
Kaynak: Council for Standard Croatian Language Norm
Linguists do not normally use the term to refer to orthographical rules, although usage books and style guide s that call themselves
Kaynak: Grammar
The Early Modern English of the early 17th century forms the base of the grammatical and orthographical conventions that survive in Modern
Kaynak: Early Modern English
expounded this as one of the ‘long experimented and highly efficient orthographical techniques' for reducing the Mishing language to writing
Kaynak: Mishing language
A process to revive the language was started in the early 20th century, with a number of orthographical systems being in use until a
Kaynak: Cornish language
The orthographical reform modified İske imlâ , abolishing excess Arabic letters, adding letters for short vowels e, ı, ö, o.
Kaynak: Yaña imlâ alphabet
The spelling Hieronyma has been conserved ; the spellings Hieronima and Hyeronima are orthographical variants of this name. Hieronyma is
Kaynak: Hieronyma

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