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ought ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

ought anlamı
1) hiç
2) zorunluluk
3) sıfır
4) yükümlülük
1) hiç
2) zerre kadar
1) gerekli
2) lâzım
3) -meli
1) -malı

"ought" için örnek kullanımlar

Apparently, he thinks that ought to be the subject of an attempted joke.
Görünüşe göre, o bir teşebbüs şaka konusu olması gerektiğini düşünüyor.
Kaynak: sltrib.com
Well, that ought to have convinced Simon right there, don't you think?
Eh, sen öyle, hemen orada Simon ikna etmiş değil mi gerekir?
Kaynak: eonline.com
The mean reversion out of this latest anomaly ought to be just as impressive.
Bu son anomali üzerinden ortalama reversiyon gibi etkileyici olmalı.
Kaynak: marketoracle.co.uk
"Trauma this, atrocity that," he says, "people ought to keep their traps shut."
"Travma bu, vahşet olduğunu," dedi, "insanların tuzakları kapalı tutmak gerek" diyor.
Kaynak: sfgate.com
Ought may refer to: One of the English modal verbs One of the names for the number 0 in English See also : Is–ought problem Categorical
Kaynak: Ought
The is–ought problem in meta-ethics as articulated by Scottish philosopher and historian David Hume (1711–76) is that many writers make
Kaynak: Is–ought problem
Furthermore, Moore's naturalistic fallacy is very close to (and even confused with) the is–ought problem , which comes from Hume's
Kaynak: Naturalistic fallacy
For if the moral law commands that we ought to be better human beings now, it inescapably follows that we must be capable of being better
Kaynak: Ought implies can
Certain other verbs are sometimes, but not always, classed as modals; these include ought, had better, and (in certain uses) dare and need
Kaynak: English modal verbs

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