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outgrowth ne demek?

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"outgrowth" için örnek kullanımlar

The book is an outgrowth of Sandberg's talk at a TED conference in 2010.
Kitap 2010 yılında TED konferansında Sandberg konuşalım bir sonucudur.
Kaynak: sci-tech-today.com
I had always written and drawn and the books came as an accidental outgrowth of that.
Ben her zaman yazılı ve çekilir ve kitaplar bir kaza akıbet gibi geldi vardı.
Kaynak: odt.co.nz
The new awards are in some ways an outgrowth of Mr. Milner's Fundamental Physics Prizes.
Yeni ödüller bazı yollar Bay Milner'ın Temel Fizik Ödülü bir akıbet vardır.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
In college, Porth studied ecology and sustainability, and organic farming was an outgrowth.
Üniversitedeyken, Porth ekoloji ve sürdürülebilirlik okudu ve organik tarım bir koludur.
Kaynak: recorder.com
Haptotaxis is the directional motility or outgrowth of cells, e.g. in the case of axonal outgrowth, usually up a gradient of cellular
Kaynak: Haptotaxis
In invertebrate biology , an appendage (or outgrowth) is an external body part, or natural prolongation, that protrudes from an organism '
Kaynak: Appendage
A ligule (from ligula "strap", variant of lingula, from lingua "tongue") — is a thin outgrowth at the junction of leaf and leafstalk of
Kaynak: Ligule
In anatomy, the term tubercle may describe a round nodule , small eminence , or wart y outgrowth found on bone s or skin, or, in cases of
Kaynak: Tubercle (anatomy)
Originally an outgrowth of Knight and Wilhelm's Milford Writers' Conference , held at their home in Milford, Pennsylvania , USA , it was
Kaynak: Clarion Workshop
Reticulon-4, also known as Neurite outgrowth inhibitor or Nogo, is a protein that in humans is encoded by the RTN4 gene that has been
Kaynak: Reticulon 4
is an association of science and technology intellectuals created in 1988 as an outgrowth of The Reality Club . Currently, its main
Kaynak: Edge Foundation, Inc.
Eternal Inflation is an inflationary universe model, which is itself an outgrowth or extension of the Big Bang theory. In theories of
Kaynak: Eternal inflation
A root hair, the rhizoid of a vascular plant , is a tubular outgrowth of a trichoblast , a hair-forming cell on the epidermis of a plant
Kaynak: Root hair
A germ tube is an outgrowth produced by spores of spore-releasing fungi during germination . The germ tube differentiate s, grows, and
Kaynak: Germ tube
Galvanotropism is the ability to direct the outgrowth of neuron al processes through the use of an extracellular electric field .
Kaynak: Galvanotropism
The patient empowerment concept, a recent outgrowth of the natural health movement, asserts that to be truly healthy, people must bring
Kaynak: Patient empowerment
Lutheran-Roman Catholic Dialogue began in July, 1964 as an outgrowth of the Second Vatican Council and the new openness of the Roman
Kaynak: Lutheran-Roman Catholic dialogue

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