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outmoded ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

outmoded anlamı
1) modası geçmiş
2) demode

"outmoded" için örnek kullanımlar

Devices always felt creaking, outmoded and just not as good as Apple's effort.
Cihazlar her zaman Apple'ın çaba olarak iyi çıtırtı, demode ve adil değil gibi hissettim.
Kaynak: uswitch.com
He also called for embracing IT and letting go of outmoded administrative systems.
Ayrıca BT kucaklayan ve demode yönetim sistemleri bırakmakla çağrısında bulundu.
Kaynak: infoworld.com
There are no arcade cabinets on view, no outmoded consoles or computers to gawk at.
Görünümü üzerinde herhangi bir çarşı dolapları, bön bön bakan hiç demode konsolları veya bilgisayar vardır.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
So it's not an outmoded function of the superhero story, it's just not always necessary.
Yani süper kahraman hikaye demode bir fonksiyonu değil, her zaman sadece gerekli değil.
Kaynak: themarysue.com
Hysterical blindness is an outmoded term for a condition now designated as a conversion disorder . The term may also refer to:
Kaynak: Hysterical Blindness
stations addressing all interest groups and demographics became increasingly outmoded, as it already had been for some time in several countries.
Kaynak: Specialty channel
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics , the institute's patterning treatment is based on an outmoded and oversimplified theory
Kaynak: The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential
it with an effective armament until the first British synchronisation gears became available, by which time it was outmoded by later types.
Kaynak: Bristol Scout
for 17 years until 1981, by which time it was outmoded by the DiscoVision (Laserdisc ) and emerging Betamax and VHS videocassette formats.
Kaynak: Capacitance Electronic Disc
the armies of Western Europe in the 16th century in place of the outmoded lance -armed knight s, at the same time that cuirassier s and
Kaynak: Reiter
During the mid-late 20th century, physical culture has become a largely outmoded concept in most English -speaking countries, and exercise
Kaynak: Physical culture
For most purposes, the device was outmoded by the telephone and its widespread adoption. This device was also known as a "megaphone ",
Kaynak: Speaking tube
TTM is important in industries where products are outmoded quickly. A common assumption is that TTM matters most for first-of-a-kind
Kaynak: Time to market
By 1957 she had been outmoded by modern bulk-carriers and could not operate at a profit. Her shipping consortium's inability to finance
Kaynak: Pamir (ship)
The factory became outmoded in the 1970s and the decision was made to finally close it in 1982. The closure of the plant led to much
Kaynak: Lingotto
Basel I is now widely viewed as outmoded. Indeed, the world has changed as financial conglomerates, financial innovation and risk
Kaynak: Basel I
based on trade s as being an outmoded form of organisation and instead advocated organising workers based on factories, thus forming the AAUD.
Kaynak: General Workers' Union of Germany
Like most if not all battleships of their era, they retained the soon-to-be outmoded casemated secondary armament, the forward guns of
Kaynak: Ise-class battleship
Thérèse belongs to Massenet's later works that are considered outmoded for their date of composition, although the piece has spawned a
Kaynak: Thérèse (opera)
With the late 1969 introduction of the new Colt Galant , the outmoded Colt-series soon faded away. Colt 1000: name Mitsubishi Colt 1000 |
Kaynak: Mitsubishi Colt 1000
This project is still in use although is being outmoded by Mozilla Fennec , another mobile device web-browser. Background : The Minimo Project
Kaynak: Minimo
When Exner joined Chrysler, the company's vehicles were being fashioned by engineers instead of designers, and so were considered outmoded
Kaynak: Forward Look
The Fort was created as part of the intensive reaction to the defeat of Custer at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, and was soon outmoded
Kaynak: Fort McKinney (Wyoming)

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