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outreach ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

outreach anlamı
1) aşmak
2) daha ileri gitmek
3) daha iyi uzanmak

"outreach" için örnek kullanımlar

Desloges is excited about Komen Coastal Georgia's ongoing outreach efforts.
Desloges Komen Coastal Georgia devam eden sosyal yardımlaşma çabalarını heyecanlı.
Kaynak: savannahnow.com
As for Democrats, Inglis thinks they'll need to do a better job of outreach.
Demokratlar ise, Inglis onlar sosyal daha iyi bir iş yapmak gerekir düşünüyor.
Kaynak: washingtonpost.com
Gomes' appreciation for the game's history started as an outreach of his fandom.
Oyun tarihinin için Gomes 'takdir onun hayranlığı bir tanıtım olarak başladı.
Kaynak: providencejournal.com
PBH continued its outreach to supermarket dietitians, with about a dozen in attendance.
PBH katılımıyla yaklaşık bir düzine, süpermarket diyetisyenler kendi sosyal sürdürdü.
Kaynak: thepacker.com
Outreach is an activity of providing services to populations who might not otherwise have access to those services. component of outreach is
Kaynak: Outreach
Orthodox Jewish outreach commonly referred to as Kiruv or Keruv. (קירוב , קֵרוּב. "bringing close"), is the collective work or movement of
Kaynak: Orthodox Judaism outreach
Science outreach, also called Education and Public Outreach (EPO or E/PO) or simply Public outreach, is an umbrella term for a variety of
Kaynak: Science outreach
Community Service and outreach: Many churches sponsor ministries designed to reach out others on a local and global scale, usually grouped
Kaynak: Christian ministry
Chabad Hasidic outreach is a Kiruv phenomena, whereby Chabad Chasidim attempt to encourage Jews to adopt Orthodox Jewish observance.
Kaynak: Chabad outreach
Education outreach is a variation of Cause Marketing and/or Strategic Philanthropy and other focused Public Affairs activities that are
Kaynak: Education outreach

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