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overlap ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

overlap anlamı
1) aşma
2) kaplama
3) üst üste gelme
1) aşmak
2) kaplamak
3) üstünü örtmek
4) üstüne gelmek
5) üst üste gelmek
6) çakışmak

"overlap" için örnek kullanımlar

These symptoms definitely have some overlap with those of the common cold.
Bu belirtiler kesinlikle soğuk algınlığı olanlar ile bazı örtüşme var.
Kaynak: omaha.com
Though the aim is for a delineation between their tasks, some clearly overlap.
Amaç görevleri arasında bir tarif için olsa da, bazıları açıkça örtüşmektedir.
Kaynak: fm.co.za
After the bout, the overlap was up to 32.7%, the team reported Tuesday in PeerJ.
Maçın ardından üst üste% 32,7 kadar oldu, takım PeerJ Salı bildirdi.
Kaynak: njeffersonnews.com
Some of the symptoms also overlap with a diagnosis of depression.
Bazı belirtiler de depresyon tanısı ile örtüşmektedir.
Kaynak: usnews.com
Overlap may mean one of: In music theory, overlap is a synonym for reinterpretation of a chord at the boundary of two musical phrases.
Kaynak: Overlap
A concurrency, overlap, or coincidence in a road network is an instance of one physical road bearing two or more different highway ,
Kaynak: Concurrency (road)
Orbital overlap is a concept used in theories of the chemical bond . It refers to the concentration of orbitals on adjacent atoms in the
Kaynak: Orbital overlap
An overlap in railway signalling is the length of track beyond a stop signal that is proved to be clear of vehicles in the controls of the
Kaynak: Overlap (railway signalling)
In mathematics , computer science and logic , overlap, as a property of the reduction rules in term rewriting system , describes a
Kaynak: Overlap (term rewriting)
The overlap–add method (OA, OLA) is an efficient way to evaluate the discrete convolution of a very long signal x n with a finite impulse
Kaynak: Overlap–add method
An overlap syndrome is an autoimmune disease of connective tissue in which a patient presents with symptoms of two or more diseases.
Kaynak: Overlap syndrome
The overlap coefficient is a similarity measure related to the Jaccard index that computes the overlap between two sets which is defined as
Kaynak: Overlap coefficient
In human memory research, concurrent overlap, or task appropriate processing , is a type of processing overlap between an activity engaged
Kaynak: Concurrent overlap
An overlap zone, in radio frequency engineering , is a zone in which the signals from two or more radio station s, transmitting at the same
Kaynak: Overlap zone
Zero differential overlap is an approximation that is used to ignore certain integrals, usually two-electron repulsion integrals, in semi-
Kaynak: Zero differential overlap
Morisita's overlap index, named after Masaaki Morisita, is a statistical measure of dispersion of individuals in a population.
Kaynak: Morisita's overlap index
The overlap extension polymerase chain reaction (or OE-PCR) is a variant of PCR . It is also referred to as Splicing by overlap extension
Kaynak: Overlap extension polymerase chain reaction
Lupus erythematosus–lichen planus overlap syndrome (also known as "Lichen planus–lupus erythematosus overlap syndrome 466) is a true overlap
Kaynak: Lupus erythematosus–lichen planus overlap syndrome
are contiguous, one zinc finger interferes with the target-site of the zinc finger adjacent to it, a situation known as target-site overlap.
Kaynak: Target-site overlap

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