An effort was made not to
overtax Hernandez's arm and to get him out of games earlier if he was having too many stressful innings.
Bir çaba değil taşırmak Hernandez koluna ve o çok stresli vuruştan sahip olup olmadığını daha önce onu oyun dışına almak için yapıldı.
Kaynak: seattletimes.comSo instead of overcharging some customers in order to subsidize the undercharging of other customers it would be necessary to
overtax some people in order to provide a net benefit to some other people.
Yerine diğer müşterilerin Yetersiz şarj sübvanse etmek için bazı müşterilerinin aşırı So bazı diğer insanlar için net bir yarar sağlamak amacıyla taşırmak bazı insanlar için gerekli olacaktır.
Kaynak: morgancountycitizen.comAfter a disappointing run in the Oakleigh Plate last start, trainer Robert Smerdon does not want to
overtax his promising filly and take on Australia's best open sprinters, preferring to race on Adelaide Cup day.
Oakleigh Levha bir hayal kırıklığı çalıştırmak sonra son başlangıç, antrenörü Robert Smerdon onun vaat kısrak taşırmak ve Adelaide Kupası günü yarışı tercih, Avustralya'nın en iyi açık sprinter almak istemiyor.
Kaynak: about ten minutes before the end he had to make another save from De Jong this time, but by this stage of the game Lazio had already settled for the score and kept possession, trying not to
overtax themselves.
Sonra yaklaşık on dakika sona ermeden başka bir De Jong bu zamandan tasarruf, ama oyun Lazio bu aşamada zaten puan için yerleşmiş yapmak zorunda kaldı ve bulundurma tutulması değil, kendilerini taşırmak için çalışıyor.
Kaynak: english.gazzetta.itPoint position is often rotated periodically so as not to
overtax the individual soldier/unit. History : Origins: The term might be related to
Kaynak: Take pointDemocrat – "a leftist who desires to
overtax the corporations and abolish freedom in the economic sphere" Republican – "an old white man
Kaynak: Persuasive definitionpartly for its location and partly because it was short enough and tight enough that it wouldn't
overtax some of the small cars of the day.
Kaynak: Pebble Beach Road Raceson the field too long", and not to
overtax the ahl al-dhimma ; instead, he would eschew discrimination and would make his payments on time.
Kaynak: Yazid IIILittle Paula has very sensible parents who see that she does not
overtax her strength. She has never toured in concert but has appeared in
Kaynak: Paula Szalit