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oxidise ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"oxidise" için örnek kullanımlar

All other options investigated oxidise the gold bearing sulphides so that gold can be recovered as the final product of the process.
Diğer tüm seçenekler, böylece altın işleminin son ürün olarak elde edilebilir taşıyıcı altın sülfit okside araştırılmıştır.
Kaynak: proactiveinvestors.com.au
Were all life to cease on Earth, our atmosphere would quickly become devoid of oxygen, which would dissolve in the oceans and oxidise the surface.
Dünya üzerinde durdurma tüm yaşamı, bizim atmosfere hızla okyanuslarda çözülür ve yüzey okside olur oksijen yoksun olacak mıydı.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
In molecular biology, multicopper oxidases are enzymes which oxidise their substrate by accepting electron s at a mononuclear copper
Kaynak: Multicopper oxidase
Ubiquinol oxidases ( are enzymes in the bacteria l electron transport chain that oxidise ubiquinol into ubiquinone and reduce
Kaynak: Ubiquinol oxidase
oxidoreductase s, which become reduced during the thiol-disulfide exchange reactions that oxidise the cysteine thiol groups of nascent polypeptides.
Kaynak: ER oxidoreductin
Pyocyanin is a blue, secondary metabolite with the ability to oxidise and reduce other molecules and therefore can kill microbes competing
Kaynak: Pyocyanine
Without the layer of flor, amontillado must be fortified to approximately 17.5 percent alcohol so that it does not oxidise too quickly.
Kaynak: Amontillado
Manzanilla and Fino , to darker and heavier versions that have been allowed to oxidise as they age in barrel, such as Amontillado and Oloroso .
Kaynak: Sherry

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