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oxygen ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

oxygen anlamı
1) oksijen

"oxygen" için örnek kullanımlar

He was wheeled out of the arena receiving oxygen and taken to a hospital.
O arenada alma oksijen dışında tekerlekli ve bir hastaneye götürüldü.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
And the dissolved oxygen content in Yamuna as it passes through Delhi is zero.
Ve bu Delhi geçerken Yamuna içinde çözünmüş oksijen içeriği sıfırdır.
Kaynak: ndtv.com
"We gave him oxygen and started CPR, but we couldn't get him back."
"Biz ona oksijen verdi ve CPR başladı, ama biz onu geri alamadım."
Kaynak: chron.com
As the gas cooled, ice formed depleting the disk of oxygen atoms.
Gaz soğutmalı olarak, buz oksijen atomu diski tüketen oluşturmuştur.
Kaynak: blogs.windsorstar.com
Oxygen is a chemical element with symbol O and atomic number  8. was mistakenly thought that all acids required oxygen in their composition.
Kaynak: Oxygen
Oxygen therapy is the administration of oxygen as a medical intervention, which can be for a variety of purposes in both chronic and
Kaynak: Oxygen therapy
Oxygen toxicity is a condition resulting from the harmful effects of breathing molecular oxygen (O | 2) at elevated partial pressure s.
Kaynak: Oxygen toxicity
Oxygen saturation or dissolved oxygen (DO) is a relative measure of the amount of oxygen that is dissolve d or carried in a given medium.
Kaynak: Oxygen saturation
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are chemically reactive molecules containing oxygen. Examples include oxygen ion s and peroxide s.
Kaynak: Reactive oxygen species
Liquid oxygen — abbreviated LOx, LOX or Lox in the aerospace , submarine and gas industries — is one of the physical forms of elemental
Kaynak: Liquid oxygen
An oxygen mask provides a method to transfer breathing oxygen gas from a storage tank to the lungs . Oxygen masks may cover the nose and
Kaynak: Oxygen mask
There are three stable isotopes of oxygen that lead to oxygen (O) having a standard atomic mass of 15.9994(3) u . 17 radioactive isotopes
Kaynak: Isotopes of oxygen
There are several known allotropes of oxygen. The most familiar is molecular oxygen (O 2), present at significant levels in Earth's
Kaynak: Allotropes of oxygen
the hydroxyl radical (HO•), a molecule that is one hydrogen atom short of a water molecule and thus has one bond "dangling" from the oxygen.
Kaynak: Radical (chemistry)
Hypoxemia (or hypoxaemia) was originally defined as a deficiency of oxygen in arterial blood, and standard manuals take this to mean an
Kaynak: Hypoxemia
Most breathing gases are a mixture of oxygen and one or more inert gases. Other breathing gases have been developed to improve on the
Kaynak: Breathing gas
Electrolysis of water is the decomposition of water (H 2 O) into oxygen (O 2) and hydrogen gas (H 2) due to an electric current being
Kaynak: Electrolysis of water
The oxygen cycle is the biogeochemical cycle that describes the movement of oxygen within its three main reservoirs: the atmosphere (air
Kaynak: Oxygen cycle
Oxygen-17 is a low abundant isotope of oxygen (0.0373% in seawater; approx. twice as abundant as Deuterium ). isotope of oxygen possessing
Kaynak: Oxygen-17

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