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painstaking ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

painstaking anlamı
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2) emek veren
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2) zahmet
3) özen

"painstaking" için örnek kullanımlar

During a painstaking rehabilitation, Whelan's frustrations intensified.
Özenli bir rehabilitasyon sırasında, Whelan sıkıntılarınızı yoğunlaştı.
Kaynak: express.co.uk
He spent 3 years on a waiting list, enduring painstaking dialysis treatments.
O özenli diyaliz tedavileri kalıcı bir bekleme listesinde 3 yıl geçirdim.
Kaynak: indianasnewscenter.com
The painstaking pace prevented contamination from the ice above.
Özenli hızı yukarıda buz kirlenmesini önledik.
Kaynak: examiner.com
It will involve a painstaking, detailed search of documents.
Bu belgelerin bir özenli, detaylı arama içerecektir.
Kaynak: duluthnewstribune.com
It involved a murder conviction based on a painstaking police investigation, and from careful evaluation of the forensic evidence .
Kaynak: Podmore case
Kubrick was also noted for being a perfectionist, using painstaking care with scene staging and working closely with his actors.
Kaynak: Stanley Kubrick
and exotic costumes, she was sometimes labelled a poseur, but her work was also praised for its solid technique and painstaking craftsmanship.
Kaynak: Edith Sitwell
popularizer of natural science, virtually the inventor of the seawater aquarium , and a painstaking innovator in the study of marine biology .
Kaynak: Philip Henry Gosse
After his conversion to non-conformism, Williams was a painstaking upholder of traditional Reformation doctrine in its Calvinist form and
Kaynak: William Williams Pantycelyn
In this case, the satire comes from the depiction of the graphical depiction of the spontaneous painting motion in painstaking painterly
Kaynak: Big Painting No. 6
Following the painstaking recording and relatively conventional rock instrumentation of In Rainbows (2007), Radiohead employed a more
Kaynak: The King of Limbs
According to Sally Benson in The New Yorker (1965) "Mr Shearing is a painstaking researcher, a superb writer, a careful technician, and
Kaynak: Marjorie Bowen
He also compiled the Manx Statutes from 1417 to 1896 into 6 volumes - a painstaking task. He took a great interest in religious, social,
Kaynak: John Gill (judge)

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