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pantomime ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

pantomime anlamı
1) pandomim
2) sessiz tiyatro
1) pandomim oynamak

"pantomime" için örnek kullanımlar

Gere, however, is far too astute to play the role to pantomime effect.
Gere, ancak, çok pandomim etkisi rol oynamak için çok zeki olduğunu.
Kaynak: irishtimes.com
The parliamentary commission's hearings had at times seemed like a pantomime.
Parlamento komisyonunun duruşmalara zamanlarda bir pandomim gibi gelmişti.
Kaynak: blogs.reuters.com
With pantomime Paolo it's only ever going to end in tears.
Pandomim Paolo sayesinde sadece hiç gözyaşları içinde sona erecek.
Kaynak: sheffieldtelegraph.co.uk
All that time I'd be over here doing pantomime, or in the last two years, doing Priscilla.
Bütün bu süre boyunca burada pandomim yapıyor bitecek, ya da son iki yıl içinde, Priscilla yapıyor olurdu.
Kaynak: ok.co.uk
The performance of pantomime originates at its earliest in Ancient Greece ; the name is taken from a single masked dancer called Pantomimus
Kaynak: Mime artist
Cinderella debuted as a pantomime on stage at the Drury Lane Theatre , London in 1904 and at the Adelphi Theatre in London in 1905.
Kaynak: Cinderella
A pantomime horse (there are also pantomime cows and other animals) is a theatrical representation of a horse or other quadruped by two
Kaynak: Pantomime horse
Buttons is the name of a character in the Cinderella pantomime . Buttons is the servant of Cinderella's father, Baron Hardup, and is
Kaynak: Buttons (pantomime)
Pantomime may refer to: Christmas pantomime (British English) — a type of musical comedy performed around Christmas based on a fairy tale
Kaynak: Pantomime (disambiguation)
Kaunas pantomime theatre. (Kauno pantomimos teatras. is pantomime theatre in Kaunas , Lithuania . Theatre was established in 1968.
Kaynak: Kaunas Pantomime Theatre
The first English pantomime was Tavern Bilkers performed at Drury Lane in 1702 This started a popular tradition in which the annual
Kaynak: Drury Lane pantomime
Azerbaijan State Pantomime Theatre. (Azərbaycan Dövlət Pantomima Teatrı. is a pantomime theatre in Baku , Azerbaijan . History: The theatre was
Kaynak: Azerbaijan State Pantomime Theatre

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