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parenthetical ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

parenthetical anlamı
1) parantez içinde
2) arada belirtilen
3) paranteze benzer

"parenthetical" için örnek kullanımlar

Of course, there's that parenthetical note that precedes his numbers.
Tabii ki, onun numaraları önce geldiğini parantez not var.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
He clearly knows the truth, given the wording of his little parenthetical statement.
Diye açıkça onun küçük parantez ifadesi ifadeler verilen, gerçeği biliyor.
Kaynak: nationalreview.com
At Dusk gestures to further mobility, with a note that is parenthetical on the Chinese side only: that the lines could be read in a different order.
Çizgileri farklı bir sırayla okunabilir olabilir: sadece Çin tarafında parantez bir not ile daha fazla mobilite, Dusk to jestler.
Kaynak: theaustralian.com.au
Perhaps my parenthetical paraphrasing appears implicit, but Brady appears to implicate every single one of his peers as being as overly compensated as himself.
Belki de benim parantez açımlama örtük görünür, ancak Brady aşırı kendisi kadar telafi da varlık olarak akranlarının her biri töhmet görünüyor.
Kaynak: behindthesteelcurtain.com
text, not just to the punctuation marks used (so all the text in this set of round brackets may be said to be a parenthesis or a parenthetical
Kaynak: Bracket
For example, if multiple sources are used in the paragraph, brief "Author-title" parenthetical citation s, including the name or names of
Kaynak: The MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers
small double lines editorial comments, notes, parenthetical comments, and other annotations that may or may not belong to the text proper
Kaynak: Warichu
They can also be used around parenthetical expressions – such as this one – in place of the em dashes preferred by some publishers,
Kaynak: Dash
Parenthetical phrases: Commas are often used to enclose parenthetical words and phrases within a sentence (i.e., information that is not
Kaynak: Comma
The parenthetical designation changed to Air Assault on 4 October 1974 and the name of the badge was likewise changed. Training locations
Kaynak: Air Assault Badge
Yet, on the LP, Nesmith listed each song with a parenthetical subtitle for each track. Although the album was never released on video,
Kaynak: Infinite Rider on the Big Dogma

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