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parole ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

parole anlamı
1) şartlı tahliye
2) şeref sözü
3) kefaletle serbest bırakma
4) parola
1) şartlı tahliye etmek
2) kefaletle serbest bırakmak

"parole" için örnek kullanımlar

One of the officers reportedly asked if he was "on parole or probation."
O olsaydı memurlarından biri bildirildi sordu "şartlı veya denetimli serbestlik ile ilgili."
Kaynak: hiphopwired.com
SAPOHR believes you have to be connected in order to receive medical parole.
SAPOHR tıbbi şartlı tahliye almak için bağlı olması gerekir inanmaktadır.
Kaynak: ewn.co.za
Our recommended parole conditions: Colorful pumps and opaque black stockings.
Bizim tavsiye Şartlı tahliye koşulları: Renkli pompaları ve opak siyah çorap.
Kaynak: eonline.com
His father came to get him, then turned him over to a parole officer.
Babası sonra şartlı tahliye memuru onu teslim, onu almaya geldim.
Kaynak: kansascity.com
Parole is the provisional release of a prisoner who agrees to certain conditions. Originating from the French parole (“voice”, “spoken
Kaynak: Parole
Langue (French , meaning "language ") and parole (meaning "speech ") are vocabulary used by theoretical linguistic , terms distinguished by
Kaynak: Langue and parole
In United States immigration law , the term parole has three different meanings. United States on humanitarian parole for a temporary period
Kaynak: Parole (United States immigration)
A parole board is a panel of people who decide whether an offender should be released from prison on parole after serving at least a
Kaynak: Parole board
"Parole parole" is a duet song by Gianni Ferrio , Leo Chiosso and Giancarlo Del Re . The song was originally performed by Mina and
Kaynak: Parole parole
The United States Parole Commission is the parole board responsible to grant or deny parole and to supervise those released on parole to
Kaynak: United States Parole Commission
Parole Fixer is a 1940 American film directed by Robert Florey . "Persons in Hiding", a purported expose of corruption within the parole system.
Kaynak: Parole Fixer
A parole bond is a deposit of money or property made to the government as surety that a paroled prisoner will not violate the terms of his
Kaynak: Parole bond
imprisonment for a serious crime under which the convicted person is to remain in jail for the rest of his or her life or until parole d.
Kaynak: Life imprisonment
Advance parole is an immigration document issued by the United States. It is not a re-entry permit ; it is only issued to aliens without
Kaynak: Advance parole

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