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paternalism ne demek?

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paternalism anlamı
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"paternalism" için örnek kullanımlar

This kind of unnecessary gatekeeping is the close cousin of the paternalism of another era.
Gereksiz bekçilik Bu tür bir dönemin paternalizm yakın kuzeni.
Kaynak: memphisdailynews.com
People who remembered the racism and paternalism of classic Hollywood movies remained vigilant.
Klasik Hollywood filmleri ırkçılık ve paternalizm hatırladı Kişi uyanık kalmıştır.
Kaynak: nytimes.com
A ridiculous paternalism even.
Hatta bir saçma paternalizm.
Kaynak: thehockeywriters.com
The study is based on the principle known as "libertarian paternalism", which promotes behavioral changes through cues while keeping the choices open.
Çalışma seçenekler açık tutarken ipuçları aracılığıyla davranış değişiklikleri teşvik "liberter paternalizm" olarak bilinen ilkesine dayanmaktadır.
Kaynak: counselheal.com
The term libertarian paternalism was coined by behavioral economist Richard Thaler and legal scholar Cass Sunstein in a 2003 article in
Kaynak: Soft paternalism
Welfare capitalism in this second sense, or industrial paternalism, was centered in industries that employed skilled labor and peaked in
Kaynak: Welfare capitalism
The book draws on research in psychology and behavioral economics to defend libertarian paternalism and active engineering of choice
Kaynak: Nudge (book)
nationism, or Tory democracy) is a form of British political conservatism that views society as organic and values paternalism and pragmatism .
Kaynak: One-nation conservatism
This system is the opposite of paternalism ; which refers to a policy that resembles the pattern of a family based on patriarchy .
Kaynak: Maternalism
known as medical paternalism, physicians instruct patients about what to do, and the patients often follow the physicians' advice
Kaynak: Patient participation
expressed the "One Nation Conservatism " in the tradition of Disraeli, which called for paternalism by the upper class toward the working class
Kaynak: Education Act 1944
Both masters and slaves embraced paternalism, though for different reasons and with varying notions of what paternalism meant.
Kaynak: Eugene Genovese
The term has been used by right-wing movements and politicians to describe support for social solidarity and paternalism as opposed to
Kaynak: Right-wing socialism
He questions the reality of plantation paternalism described by Phillips: "the reality of ante-bellum paternalism ... needs to be
Kaynak: The Slave Community
anti-communism , anti-freemasonry , anti-democratic views, Serbian orthodox religious ethics, Serbian peasant paternalism , and anti-Semitism .
Kaynak: Yugoslav National Movement
Recognised outcomes of pedophobia include paternalism , adultism , and by extension, ageism . Etymology : The word paediaphobia comes from the
Kaynak: Fear of children
where in 1897 he formed an "African Association" to challenge paternalism , racism and imperialism ; the association aimed to "promote
Kaynak: Henry Sylvester-Williams
empire-oriented ideology in defence of hierarchical authority, paternalism, deference, the monarchy, Church, family, nation, status, and place.
Kaynak: Keith Feiling

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