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pear ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

pear anlamı
1) armut

"pear" için örnek kullanımlar

She doesn't make it a lot, but when she does, I love to eat her pear pie.
O bir sürü yapmaz, ama bunu yaparsa, onu armut pasta yemeye bayılırım.
Kaynak: calaverasenterprise.com
For example, bamboo, peach and pear trees are used to represent longevity.
Örneğin, bambu, şeftali ve armut ağaçları ömrünü temsil etmek için kullanılır.
Kaynak: africa.chinadaily.com.cn
Coconut, pear, pineapple and pink grapefruit have also popped out of local ovens.
Hindistan cevizi, armut, ananas ve pembe greyfurt aynı zamanda yerel fırın dışına attı.
Kaynak: cbc.ca
The pear trees are in bloom, I'm hoping a frost doesn't get them.
Armut ağaçları çiçek, ben bir don onları almaz umuyorum.
Kaynak: therecordlive.com
The pear is any of several tree and shrub species of genus Pyrus (icon | ˈ | p | aɪ | r | ə | s), in the family Rosaceae.
Kaynak: Pear
Pear is trees of the genus Pyrus and the fruit of that tree, edible in some species. Pyrus | pear | pear tree | pears Pear may refer to:
Kaynak: Pear (disambiguation)
The European Pear, Pyrus communis, is a species of pear native to central and eastern Europe and southwest Asia. most orchard pear
Kaynak: European Pear
Pyrus pyrifolia is a pear tree species native to China, Japan, and Korea. including: Asian pear Chinese pear Korean pear, Japanese pear,
Kaynak: Pyrus pyrifolia
Perry is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented pear s. Perry has been common for centuries in England, particularly in the Three
Kaynak: Perry
Boedigheimer ), who resides on a kitchen counter with other objects such as his best friend Pear, a Bartlett pear (also voiced by Boedigheimer).
Kaynak: The Annoying Orange
date August 2010 These are sometimes described as banana, pear, apple, or hourglass shapes, though other shortcut terms are also used.
Kaynak: Female body shape
The Williams' bon chrétien pear, commonly called the Williams pear or the Bartlett pear in the United States and Canada, is the most
Kaynak: Williams pear

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