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pectin ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

pectin anlamı
1) pektin
2) pelte

"pectin" için örnek kullanımlar

I often add quercitin, sterols, apple pectin and chlorella.
Ben sık sık quercitin, steroller, elma pektin ve Chlorella ekleyin.
Kaynak: thenelsondaily.com
Raspberries have little natural pectin, so I would stick with Goldsmith's fruit suggestions.
Ahududu küçük doğal pektin var, bu yüzden Goldsmith'in meyve önerileri ile sopa.
Kaynak: charlotteobserver.com
The company noted that the newly issued patent expands its protection of modified pectin solutions.
Şirket yeni verilen patent modifiye pektin çözümleri koruma genişletir kaydetti.
Kaynak: rttnews.com
Its cellulose and pectin content make apricot a gentle laxative and therefore, useful to treat constipation.
Onun selüloz ve pektin içeriği dolayısıyla kayısı hafif müshil ve kabızlık tedavisinde kullanışlı hale getirir.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
In enzymology , a pectin lyase also known as pectolyase is a naturally occurring pectinase a type of enzyme that degrades pectin .
Kaynak: Pectin lyase
Modified Citrus Pectin - also known as citrus pectin, Pecta-Sol and MCP - is a form of pectin that has been altered so that it can be more
Kaynak: Modified citrus pectin
components such as resistant starch , resistant dextrin s, inulin , lignin , wax es, chitin s, pectin s, beta- glucans , and oligosaccharide s.
Kaynak: Dietary fiber
The middle lamella is a pectin layer which cements the cell wall s of two adjoining cells together. Plants need this to give them
Kaynak: Middle lamella
Ethanol precipitation is a method used to purify and/or concentrate RNA , DNA and polysaccharide s such as pectin and xyloglucan from
Kaynak: Ethanol precipitation
Apiose is a branched-chain sugar found as residues in galacturonan s-type pectin s; that occurs in parsley and many other plant s.
Kaynak: Apiose
Sunkist Fruit Gems are Half Dollar sized pectin candies . They are a soft round candy made from powdered sugar with fruit flavors.
Kaynak: Fruit Gems
These break down pectin , a polysaccharide substrate that is found in the cell walls of plants . One of the most studied and widely used
Kaynak: Pectinase
Before World War II, fruit preserve recipes did not include pectin, and many artisan jams today are made without pectin. The ingredients
Kaynak: Fruit preserves
In the primary (growing) plant cell wall, the major carbohydrate s are cellulose , hemicellulose and pectin . embedded in the pectin matrix.
Kaynak: Cell wall
Firming agents are food additive s added in order to precipitate residual pectin , thus strengthening the structure of the food and
Kaynak: Firming agent
Pectinesterase catalyses the de-esterification of pectin into pectate and methanol . Pectin is one of the main components of the plant
Kaynak: Pectinesterase
aurantium, prized for its high pectin content, which gives a good set. The peel has a distinctive bitter taste which it imparts to the
Kaynak: Marmalade
KduI is involved in pectin degradation by free-living soil bacteria that use pectin as a carbon source, breaking it down to 2-keto-3-
Kaynak: KduI/IolB isomerase family

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