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perforation ne demek?

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"perforation" için örnek kullanımlar

Boy's act made him suffer from bowel perforation and he had to undergo surgery.
Oğlanın hareket onu barsak perforasyonu muzdarip yapılmış ve o ameliyat vardı.
Kaynak: topnews.us
Corrosion perforation protection is covered for 72 months, regardless of mileage.
Korozyon perforasyon koruma kilometreye bakılmaksızın, 72 ay boyunca kaplıdır.
Kaynak: theautochannel.com
The boy required surgery and repair to a perforation.
Oğlan perforasyonu cerrahisi ve onarımı için gereklidir.
Kaynak: theglobeandmail.com
The plaintiff was diagnosed with uterine perforation.
Davacı uterus perforasyonu tanısı kondu.
Kaynak: injurylawyer-news.com
A perforation is a small hole in a thin material or web. There is usually more than one perforation in an organized fashion, where all of
Kaynak: Perforation
Gastrointestinal perforation is a complete penetration of the wall of the stomach , small intestine or large bowel , resulting in
Kaynak: Gastrointestinal perforation
Organ perforation is a complete penetration of the wall of a hollow organ in the body, such as the gastrointestinal tract in the case of
Kaynak: Organ perforation
Although the collector could count the number of holes using a ruler, the usual practice is to use a perforation gauge , which has
Kaynak: Postage stamp separation
Uterine perforation is a potential complication of any intrauterine procedure . It may be associated with injury to surrounding blood
Kaynak: Uterine perforation
Stercoral perforation is the perforation or rupture of the intestine 's walls by its internal contents, such as foreign objects, or, more
Kaynak: Stercoral perforation
Corneal Perforation is an anomaly in the cornea resulting from damage to the corneal surface. A corneal perforation means that the cornea
Kaynak: Corneal perforation
56% of esophageal perforation s are iatrogenic , usually due to medical instrumentation such as an endoscopy or paraesophageal surgery In
Kaynak: Boerhaave syndrome
A perforated eardrum or punctured eardrum is a rupture or perforation (hole) of the eardrum which can occur as a result of otitis media
Kaynak: Perforated eardrum
A nasal septum perforation is a medical condition in which the nasal septum , the cartilaginous membrane dividing the nostrils , develops
Kaynak: Nasal septum perforation
com/novosti/ Hydro-slotting perforation also known like “direct slotting fracturing (DSL)”, “abrasive hydro jet”, “slit-cutting”, “hydro-
Kaynak: Hydro-slotted perforation
The hair perforation test, also known as an in vitro hair perforation test, is a laboratory test used to help distinguish the isolates of
Kaynak: Hair perforation test
The BH perforation's dimensions are 0.110 inches (2.79 mm) from the middle of the side curve to opposite top corner by 0.073 inches (1.85 
Kaynak: 35 mm film

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