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perform ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

perform anlamı
1) yapmak
2) uygulamak
3) yerine getirmek
4) oynamak
5) oynamak
6) işlemek
7) canlandırmak
8) konser vermek
9) numara yapmak

"perform" için örnek kullanımlar

Tate Stevens will perform two shows at the Midland theater in April.
Tate Stevens Nisan ayında Midland Tiyatrosu'nda iki gösteri yapacak.
Kaynak: kansascity.com
Singer/songwriter Warren Barfield also will perform at the service.
Şarkıcı / söz yazarı Warren Barfield da hizmet yapacak.
Kaynak: montgomeryadvertiser.com
They like SXSW because they can perform in front of bigger crowds.
Onlar daha büyük kalabalıklar önünde gerçekleştirebilirsiniz çünkü SXSW gibi.
Kaynak: popcrush.com
Surgeons hope to perform 20 liver transplants in the pilot trial.
Cerrahlar pilot çalışmada 20 karaciğer nakli gerçekleştirmek istiyoruz.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.co.uk
Regardless of the venue, musicians usually perform on a stage . Concerts often require live event support with professional audio
Kaynak: Concert
Performing rights are the right to perform music in public. It is part of copyright law and demands payment to the music's composer /
Kaynak: Performing rights
Specific performance is an order of a court which requires a party to perform a specific act, usually what is stated in a contract.
Kaynak: Specific performance

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