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permeable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

permeable anlamı
1) geçirgen
2) geçirimli

"permeable" için örnek kullanımlar

The city's green plan includes rain gardens, wetlands and permeable roofs.
Şehrin yeşil planı yağmur bahçeleri, sulak alanlar ve geçirgen çatılar içerir.
Kaynak: ktts.com
The gas was trapped in a relatively permeable material such as sand or limestone.
Gaz kum veya kireç gibi nispeten geçirgen malzeme sıkışıp oldu.
Kaynak: cpa.org.au
Akerman will give tips on installing permeable paving and drip irrigation systems.
Akerman geçirgen kaldırım kurulumu hakkında ipuçları vermek ve damla sulama sistemleri olacaktır.
Kaynak: santamonica.patch.com
The strategies include rain gardens, wetlands, green roofs and permeable pavement.
Stratejileri yağmur bahçeleri, sulak, yeşil çatılar ve geçirgen kaldırım bulunmaktadır.
Kaynak: joplinglobe.com
In science , Permeability, permeable and semipermeable may refer to one of the below. Electromagnetism : Permeability (electromagnetism), the
Kaynak: Permeability
A semipermeable membrane, also termed a selectively permeable membrane, a partially permeable membrane or a differentially permeable
Kaynak: Semipermeable membrane
Permeable paving is a range of sustainable materials and techniques for permeable pavements with a base and subbase that allow the movement
Kaynak: Permeable paving
Rigid gas permeable lenses are rigid contact lens es made of oxygen-permeable polymers . Initially developed in the late 1970s, and
Kaynak: Rigid gas permeable
A permeable reactive barrier (PRB), also referred to as a permeable reactive treatment zone (PRTZ), is a developing technology that has been
Kaynak: Permeable reactive barrier
cells from the outside environment The cell membrane is selectively permeable to ions and organic molecules and controls the movement of
Kaynak: Cell membrane
Pervious concrete (also called porous concrete, permeable concrete and porous pavement) is a special type of concrete with a high porosity
Kaynak: Pervious concrete

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