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picky ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

picky anlamı
1) seçici
2) titiz
3) müşkülpesent
4) zor beğenir
5) mızmız
6) ince eleyip sık dokuyan

"picky" için örnek kullanımlar

The Bucs can't get picky; they needs playmakers and Trufant is just that.
Bucs seçici alamıyorum, onlar playmakers ihtiyacı ve Trufant sadece olmasıdır.
Kaynak: ca.sports.yahoo.com
Be picky about who's on your friend's list, your contact list and so forth.
Benzeri arkadaşınızın listesinde, kişi listeniz ve üzerinde kimin konusunda seçici olun.
Kaynak: cmvlive.com
"As long as it goes in, I'm not picky about how it happens," Hall said.
"Sürece gider gibi, bunu nasıl olur hakkında seçici değilim," dedi Hall.
Kaynak: timesfreepress.com
Offer a Choice: Many children and even some adults are "picky" eaters.
Bir Seçim Teklif: Birçok çocuk ve hatta bazı yetişkinler "seçici" yiyiciler vardır.
Kaynak: nj.com
Food neophobia, fussy eating or picky eating is a relatively common phase of resisting or refusing to eat new foods in children.
Kaynak: Food neophobia
People with the Autoimmune disorder Coeliac Disease are often picky eaters. This disorder should not be confused with food avoidance
Kaynak: Selective eating disorder
It may be a cause of picky eating , but picky eaters are not necessarily supertasters, and vice versa. The term originates with experimental
Kaynak: Supertaster
Masiello has also claimed that he is very picky with the music he plays as a DJ, and he likes one track after sampling around a hundred.
Kaynak: Desyn Masiello
Jews are still stereotyped as greedy, nit-picky, stingy miser s and are often depicted in caricatures, comics, and propaganda posters
Kaynak: Stereotypes of Jews
His first hit single was "Ce gagică şmecherită" (Romanian : "Such a picky chick"). He played an important part when the smash hit "Of,
Kaynak: Florin Salam
It ran on just about any PC, while competing commercial products costing hundreds of dollar s were often picky and full of bugs .
Kaynak: PC-File

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