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pillbox ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

pillbox anlamı
1) hap kutusu
2) asker kepi
3) makineli tüfek kulesi

"pillbox" için örnek kullanımlar

First, she throws on her finest pillbox hat to celebrate a friend's wedding.
İlk olarak, o bir arkadaşınızın düğün kutlamak için ona en güzel korugan şapka atar.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
Middleton kept her head warm in a James Lock pillbox hat but it was her feet that had everyone talking.
Middleton bir James Kilit korugan şapka başını sıcak tuttu ama herkes konuşuyor vardı ayakları oldu.
Kaynak: abcnews.go.com
The highlight of her ensemble was a feminine black pillbox hat that featured a swirling peacock feather.
Onun topluluk vurgulamak dönen bir tavuskuşu tüyü özellikli bir kadınsı siyah asker kepi şapka oldu.
Kaynak: examiner.com
Kate looked radiant in a black pillbox hat, gold earrings and peach coat with the tiniest hint of a pregnancy bump.
Kate bir gebelik yumru ufak ipucu ile siyah bir korugan şapka, altın küpe ve şeftali kat radyant görünüyordu.
Kaynak: thesun.co.uk
Pillbox may refer to: cylindrical shaped figure, used in calculations for vector fields see for example Gaussian surface (Gaussian pillbox)
Kaynak: Pillbox
A pillbox hat is a small woman's hat with a flat crown and straight, upright sides, and no brim. Image:Pillboxhat. jpg | Pillbox hat of
Kaynak: Pillbox hat
The crew of a pillbox can be killed with flamethrower s Complex, well-built and well-protected fortifications are often vulnerable to
Kaynak: Bunker
constructed in England in 1940 were built in anticipation of a German invasion , they were often hexagonal in shape and were called "pillbox es".
Kaynak: Blockhouse
The Norcon pillbox is a type of hardened field fortification built in Britain during the invasion crisis of 1940-1941 . circular pillbox
Kaynak: Norcon pillbox
The Ruck machine gun post or Ruck pillbox is a type of hardened field fortification built in Britain during the invasion crisis of 1940–
Kaynak: Ruck machine gun post
A poison ring or pillbox ring is a type of ring with a container under the bezel or inside the bezel itself that could be used to hold
Kaynak: Poison ring

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