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pixie ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

pixie anlamı
1) peri

"pixie" için örnek kullanımlar

One day she dyes her hair blonde, the other day she chops it off to a pixie.
Bir gün o boyaları saçları sarışın, diğer gün bir pixie için o pirzola kapalı.
Kaynak: au.ibtimes.com
Her famous pixie cut was more tousled and messier than usual.
Onun ünlü pixie kesim daha tousled ve normalden daha dağınık oldu.
Kaynak: enstarz.com
Michelle Williams currently has a blonde pixie cut.
Michelle Williams şu anda bir sarışın pixie kesim vardır.
Kaynak: ca.shine.yahoo.com
Pixie (Megan Gwynn) is a fictional character , a mutant in the Marvel Universe . Her mutation grants her pixie -like eyes, colorful wings
Kaynak: Pixie (X-Men)
In the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing game , the Pixie is a Fey . Based upon the faerie s and pixie s of myth, they are merry
Kaynak: Pixie (Dungeons & Dragons)
A pixie cut is a short hairstyle worn by women, generally short on the back and sides of the head and slightly longer on the top.
Kaynak: Pixie cut

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