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plumage ne demek?

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plumage anlamı
1) tüyler
2) kuşun tüyleri

"plumage" için örnek kullanımlar

Distinguishing features: Can be identified by its entirely black plumage.
Ayırt Edici Özellikleri: onun tamamen siyah tüyleri tarafından tespit edilebilir.
Kaynak: news.com.au
In penguins, that heat is being drawn from their thick plumage.
Penguenler olarak, bu ısı, kalın tüyleri dan çekilmektedir.
Kaynak: gizmodo.com.au
Previously experts had confused it with a more widespread owl with similar plumage.
Daha önce uzmanlar benzer tüyleri ile daha yaygın baykuş ile karıştırılmamalıdır vardı.
Kaynak: news.msn.co.nz
the latter like he'd decided to skin Harry Potter's owl Hedwig and wear its plumage.
o gibi ikinci cildin Harry Potter baykuş Hedwig karar verdi ve onun tüyleri giyerdim.
Kaynak: gq-magazine.co.uk
Feathers are one of the epidermal growths that form the distinctive outer covering, or plumage , on bird s and some non-avian theropod
Kaynak: Feather
Solid black plumage color refers to a plumage pattern in chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus ) characterized by a uniform, black color
Kaynak: Solid black (chicken plumage)
In poultry standards, solid white is coloration of plumage in chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus ) characterized by a uniform pure white
Kaynak: Solid white (chicken plumage)
Lavender or Self-blue refers to a plumage pattern in chickens characterized by a uniform, pale bluish grey color across all feather s.
Kaynak: Lavender (chicken plumage)
The Gibson Plumage Index (GPI), sometimes known as the Gibson Code, is a system for describing the plumage of great albatross es.
Kaynak: Gibson Plumage Index
Plumage is regularly moult ed; the standard plumage of a bird that has moulted after breeding is known as the "non-breeding" plumage, or—in
Kaynak: Bird
The ornate plumage of peacocks, as used in the courting display, attracts peahen s. sheer size of the male's plumage; the peahen being of a
Kaynak: Sexual dimorphism
Humphrey-Parkes terminology is a system of nomenclature for the plumage of bird s. Before the Humphrey-Parkes system, plumage was named
Kaynak: Humphrey-Parkes terminology
Its plumage is mainly white, with black on its wings. Adults have long red legs and long pointed red beaks, and measure on average
Kaynak: White Stork
a juvenile Great Northern Loon is all dark, while that of the very similarly plumage d juvenile Yellow-billed Loon is pale towards the tip
Kaynak: Beak
The supercilium is a plumage feature found on the heads of some bird species. It is a stripe which runs from the base of the bird's beak
Kaynak: Supercilium
Their soft plumage is cryptically coloured to resemble bark or leaves. Some species, unusual for birds, perch along a branch, rather than
Kaynak: Nightjar
Its plumage is black. It has pale pinkish feet, and a pale bill with a black tip. Together with the equally light-billed Pink-footed
Kaynak: Flesh-footed Shearwater
The Great Argus, Argusianus argus, is a brown- plumage d pheasant with a blue head and neck, rufous red upper breast, black hair-like
Kaynak: Great Argus

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